
“take off ur cardigan... take off ur second cardigan”

Raised Catholic, straight and I fucking hate sweets. Now I don’t know what to think about anything! Do I eat Little Debbie’s to ward off the temptation of vagina?! SO CONFUSING!

I’d wish for him to die of a stroke, but that would put Mike “Handmaid’s Tale” Pence in charge. May, uh, “God” help us all.

Audience member: “Pay them the right wages.”

This is a _____ about the _____, and the hypocrisy of the current administration.

It gives me extra chills that the person you’re citing was a teacher. If you don’t understand the basic premise of cause-and-effect, you aren’t qualified to teach children.

I’d really like to see John Oliver do an entire segment on them. They’re basically supervillains.

The distinction so many of the online reactions to the dismissals seem to be missing (and that I’m really glad this article makes note of) is that dismissals of this sort are completely normal for incoming administrations (former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush dismissed similar numbers of US Attorneys),

He’s got to do the reality show first to get that good presidential experience.

How did this man not possess the forearm strength to lift himself out of this predictament.

yes, if there’s one thing that defines the Trump Era, it’s that great feeling of safety and security we all enjoy...

Hey now, DeNiro is a method actor. So, he’s not just pretending to be a doctor, he is inhabiting the role of doctor.

Old enough to know better than to answer that question on the Internet.

I haven’t seen a single fucking reason she should have even been nominated

I’m going to tell you right now: I don’t think you’re going to wind up setting the record for most stars on a Deadspin comment this month.

I was hoping the guy was going to throw something Brady didn’t know into the middle of all of that

I sure as fuck dont want to watch it. The Hoosiers are ass- a criminal waste of talent. But you cant change where you went to school.

He may have done this simply to show Rutgers that he doesn’t approve. If he waits until they are back in the locker room then people may think that he has no problem with showing up the losing team.

So this is Aaron Rodgers’ dad...

Maybe he saw a mysterious video 7 days ago, got a phone call and was just trying to preemptively deal with that girl.