
Spoken like someone who has never hunted the most dangerous game.

“This will be great if we get it done, and if we don’t get it done, it’s just going to be something that we’re not going to like and that’s OK and I understand that very well”

It’s not about a power trip for the adult. It’s about making sure the kid understands right and wrong. And it’s why the majority of Americans in all demographics (black, white, republican, democrat, north, south, religious, secular, etc) feel spanking is appropriate when warranted.

You had many words for him. Oddly, none of them were, “My reading comprehension is not what it should be for someone who speaks and writes for a living.”

She’s like the original AHCA

This fucking Travelocity Gnome needs to be strung up by his short’n curlies. What’s with this “ I can’t recall” bullshit? When they grilled Hillary for HOURS she never took the ‘who me?’ route like this pocket sized motherfucker is using. Inexcusable.

Hey, Attorney General Fainting Couch! You know a way to rebuke “secrets” and “innuendo”?

I’m confused. Does CNN no longer report on facts anymore?

Why would you get to strike an expert witness’s testimony just because their expertise is inconvenient?

I don’t know. The republicans have rigged the system sufficiently to stay in power forever.  

Spicer: “The president has an EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE, FULLY ENGORGED PENIS!!!” *storms off*

Jeff Sessions hates sniggers.

I’m not going to hate on him waiting to speak about racial bias he has faced anymore than I would hate on a woman taking a while to report sexual harassment. This is the fault of the perpetrators. Not the victims.

So the Falcons won by 3 million points but an arcane system devised by referees who died over 200 years ago gave the trophy to the Patriots? Yep, totally comparable!

Trump doesn’t KNOW Bannon? It’s like telling me that I don’t really know my clit.

You know, like those slavery cruises!

Joanna, you didn’t include the most relevant tweet

He’s still fixating on the whole election in all its aspects: still talking about Hillary; still dredging up whatever grievances he had with her/the debates/the DNC; still holding rallies. Dude loved the election so much because he “won”, but now that governing and actually getting shit done ain’t working out as well

I told someone the other day that so many of my family members who STILL would rather stand behind someone this awful and inhumane than risk supporting someone who is the D-word. Unfortunately, that makes my family members an entirely different kind of D-word...