
Even though the Cowboys lost, there is just something special about Prescott and I really hope they avoid the damn Romo discussion again. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a new statement, but it was just insane how calm and collected he was in that second half.

SMH, it’s never the guys you expect

Eli, sadly, was not invited

You all need to start including the actual GOAT pass in these Aaron Rodgers is ridiculous posts.

Yes, Brady had a consistently ok year on a team that does fine without him in the weakest division in football. He also had a running game and a good defense. I doubt new England’s record would be much different if Brady had been suspended the entire year. Rodgers had some amazing games during losses in the 4-6 start

So almost nothing then?

Meriweather: Mr. Belichick, the bartender was hoping he could get paid now.

We’ll all be in the 1% someday; math be damned!

What’s the income cutoff to be in the top 1 percent? I recently changed jobs and now make much more money than I used to and I need to know if I should be outraged at this or if other people just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

To put it in more optimistic terms, we ARE winning the war against equality!

Wow your boss must really hate baseball writers...

Selig’s plaque needs to be looking the other way.

Deer often walk away from getting hit by cars under their own power and then die of internal injuries in the woods later. Does anyone know where he wandered of to???

Because they’re told so.

Look no further than my home state Florida... Johnson is getting 200+k votes while Hillary is losing by less than 140+k votes as I type this. I am seething at the holier-than-thou, protest-voting pieces of shit that can’t or refuse to realize that voting for leader of the free world is not picking your bff but

Things got awkward when he asked his caddy to hold his wood.

It seems weird to me that people seem to fall into one camp or the other (Tolkien blissfulness vs. GRRM’s I will kill everything I make you love), whereas I firmly appreciate both approaches to storytelling.

In Tolkien’s case it’s nice to read about heroes that are just that. They don’t have hidden agendas. Aragorn

“We weren’t hiring a line cook here – we were hiring a head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles...”

Now playing

There’s never a bad time to post this Arroyo commercial.

As a lifelong Mariner fan in the midst of suffering through a season in which they’re 10 games back with 2 months to go, thanks for this late-season pick me up story.