NJ Guy

I hear Phillip has bank notes with Ramses II on the front....

She had a pair of .44s.........and a pistol...

Original version by Charles Brown, Chuck’s version is almost as good...

Hey, that’s my uniform, lol...

You will need that $50M for the property taxes alone; sounds like you may be cutting your own grass....nothing wrong with that...

Whilst John Wharton knew about the water, I don’t think he had the tools to understand just how much was there, lol....I think it was a NYT article that I read several years ago that outlined the federal plans for the area in the mid-60s. Perhaps the super sonic airport plans made Uncle Sam take a closer look? I do

It is my understanding is that below the Pine Barrens is the worlds largest known fresh water aquifer. It will never be developed because of that fact. If NYC or Philly have a water catastrophe, the Pine Barrens are there to provide supply; federally mandated.....Very important since 9/11 type events....Something like

I don’t think you could build these things today....not remotely safe enough and manufacturers would spend a great of additional time in deposition/court; more than they do now....You wouldn’t get a poor safety rating, you would get ‘no’ safety rating...I can see the handiness of it around town, but not over 20-25 MPH

Experiences can vary...friend of mine had one and it needed so many expensive repairs, so often; he had to get rid of it....He said “That car could make Billy Graham cuss a blue streak...”

Yes, and Ricky Nelson was born in Teaneck, NJ...Do you think he grew up there? Many times a hospital is in an urban area serving a large area, but is not a destination. I am sure Jon B after two days went home to his parents house in Sayreville; trust me, he did not grow up in Perth Amboy.....Perhaps you grew up in

I think you mean Sayreville....

That would be Freddy ‘Boom Boom’ Cannon..Palisades Park was written by Chuck Barris (yes, the Gong Show guy)..Freddy Cannon’s Mom wrote his other big hit “Tallahassee Lassie”...She’s got a hi-fi chassis....fun stuff

B*tch better have my money.....

No, pork roll is pork roll. It was traditionally made in Trenton, NJ by two different companies; Case was one and the other was Taylor..some Central Jersey natives will happily debate which was(is) better...

You go so fast in this car, raindrops cannot possibly hold on...no wipers, FTW..

Forget how it looks for a minute....If he let you drive it, and you got to floor it, you would smile like crazy and possibly pee yourself just a little bit...flinging it into a corner and powering though it would be a lot of fun...Give the guy a break, he built a kick ass go cart that would make you run out of nerve

....or Photo Hut.....(I am feeling old, think I’ll take a nap)

Calling Dr. Tracy, calling Dr. Tracy....please report to Philadelphia, STAT...Code Red Jeep pickup requires your checkbook and a flatbed for the trip back to MI..

Oh Rubyyyyyy, for Gods sake turn around...

Crackiest crack pipe.....so cracky, it’s in pieces.....