njdevil spinky spank

More annoying than people on Facebook? The people that go around constantly telling people "I deleted my Facebook account, now I'm so happy!"

I knew a girl a few years ago who unfortunately ticked most of the boxes above and a lot more- when I realised just how much I was being abused, I confronted her; surprisingly she readily admitted to the problems I accused her of and even mentioned some more I hadn't dared to mention. That threw me off my guard and

Have they invented a 3D printer that can print more 3D printers yet?

Your memory does not serve you well. At All.

I'm not sure you understand how insurance agencies work.

Worth noting that this functionality is coming to OSX natively in Mountain Lion this summer from what I hear, so personally I'd wait before I spent $10 on it.

Do something that has discernable goals you can tick off your progress with- I've recommended [100pushups.com] before on this site and it's worth mentioning again. Awesome site.

I'm in college so I use my printer mainly for making reminders for my housemates (a la [i.imgur.com]) and maybe twice a week max for notes/homework.

Not sure how practical it is, but it certainly works well enough to tickle my inner nerd quite nicely. A bit weird when your're sitting near your computer, as the gesture becomes less Minority Report and more... Gestapo at close range.

I've got a prepaid SIM card in my Whited00r iPhone that gets 3G and Edge data just fine, but I've never been able to get data on a normal Jailbroken iPhone. Might just be doing something wrong.

Additional, if very niche use- Planning on using an old iPhone to track a capsule with cameras attached to a weather balloon in a few months (similar to [gizmodo.com] ) Currently trying to see if I can set up Eye-fi so I can retrieve the pictures online even if we never find the capsule :)

What app is that? I've never found a good one that didn't require a data connection.

I use my spare phone (budget Samsung running a fairly crappy version of Android) most often as a navigational aid. I'm pretty bad at directions when walking and recently moved to a particularly shady city so using an extra phone just for GPS has the benefit of A) saving the battery in my iPhone and B) hopefully acting

I agree, all Proview wants is for Apple to either A) throw them some settlement and be done with it or B) buy Proview and be done with it. Don't see how Apple will consent to either though.

You clearly don't have anywhere near the full story. Proview *sold* the trademark to Apple, who had it first is not being questioned.

Why do we have to root for Proview? I understand Apple is far from the underdog when it comes to IP suits on the internet but they are undoubtedly in the right in this instance. Credit where credit is due.

Doesn't seem to work in Snow Leopard, might only work in Lion.

I shall call it Squishy.

Even more confusing, what happens next year? Will the next iPad be called the "Newer iPad"? the "New iPad 2"?

Please feel free to link your blog and youtube channel, I'm very curious to see them.