njdevil spinky spank

I'm not sure what your point is, are you defending Fox News? Because I'm not using this as an opportunity to attack Fox News- I'm saying that if you find this ad demeaning, then you're going to find Jack Thompson's stuff incredibly upsetting.

Perhaps you should've put *that* in the article. I still don't agree with you, but that comment makes a better argument than "These guys talked down to gamers, I am enraged".

Since when does "Gamer" = "Someone who works in the gaming industry?"

"there are those who do nothing but play games all day, but i happen to work"

If this is really all it takes to upset you, please, don't ever watch Fox News. You might die of outrage.

Semi-off topic: I've got a MBP that I want to have the optical drive replaced by an SSD at some point. The optical drive no longer work anyway, and makes an incredibly loud grinding noise every time I boot up. Is there any problem with me removing the optical drive now, to be replaced with an SSD at some point in the

No idea. There's really not even any point in speculating at this point; nobody really knows anything more concrete than "Valve are allegedly thinking about getting into the hardware business".

"Valve boss Gabe Newell is wary of the growing influence Apple wields through its tightly-controlled app stores for the iOS and Mac OS platforms."

Media center and Emulator. Basically what I wanted to use my G4 Cube for but have been so far unsuccessful.

Maybe I'm alone in this, but Apple's 30-pin is the only proprietary connecter I really like. Being able to actually "dock" my devices rather than plugging in a fiddly little cable is something I don't want to get rid of, unless apple is going with Touchstone-like tech. Also the huge varieties of stereos and other

I cannot recommend [hundredpushups.com] enough. As someone who has never had enough interest to get through any kind of fitness program, I found this to be surprisingly amazing. I started it last year as a means of stress-relief during exams, and it worked great not only as a sort of anti-depressant and means of

Ditto- I share a netflix account with my flatmates, I've got to be way too careful what I watch.

As someone who was never bothered with Lion and waited until it was absolutely necessary to update to Snow Leopard, This actually looks quite impressive- especially the Airplay mirroring. Hopefully the things I've heard about certain content being restricted from showing up either turns out to be not a big deal (or

In a page of depressing comments, this made me laugh. Thank you.

The only thing I hate more than the Superbowl is people complaining about the Superbowl.

I did German in school and tried to keep it on in college but found the learning curve jumped away from me and I switched subjects early on. However, I still listen to as much German music and movies as I can, and it does help a lot.

Finally someone else feels my pain. Those two plastic things between R1/R2 and L1/L2 are manufactured by Satan himself to punish anyone who dares to defy Sony and opens a controller.

What an over-the-top response, Relax. I don't have an extreme view, and I'm not 'representing' anything. I know the difference between kinds of chocolate too, thanks. My point is if even if a dog gets into anything toxic and eats a non-lethal amount, it could still be enough to make them sick. Even an upset stomach is

If a small amount of dark chocolate is lethal, then why isn't a small amount of any other chocolate still a big deal? If a human ate only a small dose of something lethal, it'd still warrant attention.