njdevil spinky spank

It sucks being a student but not having an .edu account... also, Anyone know of software like this for Mac?

Totally agree. I get most of my tech news from Engadget and Ars these days, both of which have taken the true moral and journalistic high ground by not mentioning it at all. I wouldn't have known about the existence of this picture at all until I saw a fairly convincing post on Imgur claiming it was fake.

Are we allowed to post the picture for the purposes of questioning it's legitimacy? Because it seems to have been proved fake or at least *heavily* manipulated by this point.

What's interesting is pretty much everything I know in the "what you'll need" section is stuff I learned from Lifehacker...

Wish I'd known about the Google Chrome "Eternal Sunshine" extension before (great name btw!) I recently deleted an ex as well as everyone who is with her in their own facebook profile pics in a moment of drunkenness that is going to cause some awkward "why did you delete me from FB?" conversations sooner or later.

Don't put "Wooo! Going on vacation with the whole family for 2 weeks!" on Facebook without limiting it to close friends.

Is there any real reason to run Appcleaner though? I use it all the time but it's never found anything more than 50KB to delete, and even that much is a rarity. If it's not finding me any significant space, is there any other reason to bother?

I will, thanks!

I've actually noticed OCR spelling errors more in my official Amazon Kindle copy of some books more than any pirated copies... Kindle version of Game of Thrones confused the heck out of me for the first few chapters because it often confuses "rn" with "m".

"works in both hemispheres"

After I got a Kindle, the Harry Potter books were the first things I went to purchase. Disappointed that Rowling was against e-readers at the time, I downloaded pirated copies. Since a) I had already paid for all the books and b) there was no other way to get them on the Kindle, I figured there wasn't anything morally

People who say this either don't understand why Vista was so hated or you are greatly exaggerating Lion's faults.

It shows who's online, but it needs to be in a separate window?

I feel like VLC would win in this category for every OS. Including iPhone, if you were lucky enough to get it before it got pulled.

That seems like an excellent idea to me, since you don't waste clean water flushing the toilet. I really don't see how it would effect the cleanliness of the sink.

"MacDropAny" should do what you're asking, if I'm reading your question correctly. You can't really use aliases with Dropbox, but with MacdropAny I have a "school" folder on my desktop that is constantly synced with a School folder in Dropbox.

I had no idea saving games to the hard drive was ever an option with XBoxes, that's neat... Do the new XBoxes have the same high failure rate of the older ones? I've come close to buying one several times but I've seen too many of my friend's consoles have to get sent back for repairs and I could not be bothered to go

I've been using this wallpaper on my OSX machines for a while now- It's a standard Windows 7 wallpaper so a lot of you will already have it, but I thought I'd share since the blue and silver goes so well with the colours of OSX's menu bar and folders.

Don't be crazy... that's a fire hazard

People tend to exaggerate fire hazards on this site sometimes.