Altoid tins, tea tins, wooden pallets, bottlecaps, citrus peels, plastic containers..
Altoid tins, tea tins, wooden pallets, bottlecaps, citrus peels, plastic containers..
Ted is pretty buggy but when it does work it's just so handy so I forgive it..... I have heard of people abandoning Ted and somewhow just using RSS feeds with their favourite torrent clients to get almost the same functionality, but I've never tried it myself so I don't know what the process involves.
I use Torrent Episode Downloader, it works well most of the time but the developers have also abandoned it.
That's why going to uni in Ireland is awesome. I get like $8000 for doing *literally* nothing (other than being poor I guess), and college itself has next to no fees.
Whatever happened to Ponies? He still around?
I hate myself for posting that, now I know someone else is going to invent one and I'm going to think they stole it from me... but seriously, especially with NFC in phones now, it couldn't be hard to do, and I can't think of a more effective way to wake someone up without pissing them off or waking up half the…
This seems like a great way to start the morning in a foul mood... How hard could it be to make an RFID alarm clock that could only be turned off by, say, bringing it into the kitchen and placing it next to the coffee maker? That'd do the trick.
Something to note, unfriending someone of Facebook doesn't mean they can't send you messages on facebook. If you're going to unfriend someone, go the whole shebang and block them too.
Macs have Cinch and bettertouchtool that replicate this, It would be nice if it was integrated into the OS eventually though.
Cinch (probably some other apps) will maximise a window by dragging it to the top of the screen, and command+space is the spotlight mentioned above, it opens apps no problem... better that Windows in my opinion, but theres's also Quicksilver which adds a ton of functionality, far more than the Windows search has.
Bring it on Mac Defender. Since I switched to OSX, I've occasionally been borrowing family member's computers to fix them up and remove malware. It actually gets boring, running an OS that rarely needs maintenance. I mean, I appreciate the heck out of OSX, but I'm an operating system geek and I like fixing computers…
I'm American but spent my school years in Ireland, so I'm a little confused by the US college system. I was surprised to find Law is so low, so I looked it up and Law seems to be a postgrad over there?
Ca still works for me. I don't really go to Gizmodo any more, since Whitenoise kinda died there's nothing else worth reading there.
Same as Koka noodles, which is to say cheaper than Super Noodles or Pot Noodle.
Of course that's gone, it was far too useful and clever to survive the redesign. Perhaps it still works on the canadian site?
Thanks, I had no idea that was a tag.
Is the tag system gone? It used to really come in handy with stuff like this...
First the shrimp article then this... Lifehacker is really tempting me to try foods that have always disgusted me.
This might be heresy or something but I'm a student so... anyone have any good ways to cook it in the microwave?