njdevil spinky spank

I've been using an old dresser, it's just the right height (for once, being short is an advantage!), the drawers are bigger and more useful than in my desk and I drilled a hole in the back of one drawer so I can keep my external hard drives/ charging equipment out of sight but still at hand. I'm considering emptying

I'm rather excellent at guessing how much change is in large jars... I've somehow never been more then $8 off. Which means I've got a drawer full of those t-shirts you used get for guessing within a few dollars from the unnecessarily annoying change counter machines they had at Commerce back.

Shrimp is one of those things I'd love to try... I just can't get past the idea of eating something that looks like it would be in the same category as cockroach except for the lucky fact it doesn't walk on land.

the actual quote is "If you want to hang posters or artwork without the cost of frames, nail holes in your walls, or push-pin holes in the art—use magnets!"

If you're throwing a pot luck then of course that's fine... I would just call it a pot luck rather than a party. People tend to bring stuff anyway out of politeness, but I wouldn't want to go to a party and have to bring my own meal, It'd be too much of a hassle and too hard to bring a proper portion.

That's not party budgeting, that's just getting your guests to bring stuff you should be providing. BYOB is fair enough, but before I'd stoop to asking people to "bring your own protein" I'd probably reconsider throwing a party in the first place...

That's the advice I've found online, but for me the error is happening before I even install anything from Cydia...

Find a particular Gawker author annoying? With some quick editing of this greasemonkey script you can block them: [userscripts.org]

It's not been a great year for online security has it? Firesheep comes out; Gawker, PSN and Lastpass compromised... I've entirely stopped using my credit/debit card, just prepaid cards. Which is actually working out pretty well, I spend less and don't really worry about anything being compromised.

Ah, cool. I missed that screensaver.

Actually, anyone know if the Fliqlo screensaver in the first pic works in Snow Leopard yet?

Since I moved out of America I can't access any of those aside from Bittorrent.

Toilet paper from college bathrooms.

I've never seen a food website recommend that miracle fruit stuff. Honestly I was under the impression it was a very mild hallucinogen or something. Might get some now.

Does anyone ever actually ever find any of the advice in these types of articles here actually helpful? Not trying to be a jerk or anything, I'm genuinely curious.

Lifehacker, will you be my "it's complicated"?

Aww. Lame.

Screw you guys, I'm goin' home.