njdevil spinky spank

@Dabamasha: I've also heard Stephen Fry claim that is was a proven fact that one in 3 people in Iowa has had sex with a chicken.

@NanorH: QI is a great show but at least half of the stuff on it is completely false or half-truths. I do remember the episode you're talking about though.

@takamarou: Reads them carefully enough to spot malicious code even... If what they're saying is true then that's impressive.

@freetobelee: I preferred the broken image, made me think of a tiny pixel woman.

Shame it's called the N8 and not the M8...

In this country, you gotta make the trademarks first. Then when you get the trademarks, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.

Meanwhile, in the secret underwater facial hair laboratory...


Facebook for Meth addicts?

#corrections This refers to the UK version, not the original US version.

I hate when I have to wake up at ass o'clock.

Articles like this are why we need the ability to reply to comments WITHOUT promoting them.

@wagnerrp: Thanks. So what you're saying is we don't exactly know yet if the redesign will get rid of the problem?

@moonshadowkati: I'm not really interested in spending a couple hundred dollars on something that requires a makeshift heatsink in this day and age.

Forgive this question if it's been explained before but is it less likely to RRoD than the original 360? I always wanted one but so many of my friends had such problems with theirs I went with the PS3.

Beautiful, but I'll wait for the Instructable detailing how to make them at home out of Altoids tins and Lego.

Let me give you a sample month from the past year:

@Zinger314: Wasn't his job selling balloons at the zoo?