#whitenoise is a super cool space station hovering above this XKCD plagiarism world.
#whitenoise is a super cool space station hovering above this XKCD plagiarism world.
I've jailbroken my 3G purely to unlock it, so I have next to no experience with JB apps. Do I get these apps through Cydia or through Rock? And is changing the root password important?
And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm going to plant child porn on his computer, And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could…
The tiny kitten wearing tiny hat and eating tiny ice cream cone is now armed.
Don't forget to bring a delicious bag of Cheetos®!
@The world will know squalor.: So you just decided you would give away $18 dollars to random people on the internet?
@The world will know squalor.: Awesome, thanks man! njdevil2010@hotmail .com
@The world will know squalor.: Okey dokey.
Science giveth, Science taketh away.
You're waiting for a package. A package that will take you far away. You know what you hope will be inside this package, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter because we'll be together.
I knew I shouldn't have bought that kitten on Amazon.
I miss Scottie.
@mrgibblechip: Star commenting at its finest.
@Lupison: Rapping clowns break down your door and question your motives?
This show needs more Alton Brown.
@ps61318: Judging from the cap it's just called "Cockta"....
@Murray Hewitt: I liked that site. Hell, I liked it before it was popular- but when they unveiled that secret prototype gourd it started attracting the wrong kind of crowd and it lost some of its appeal for me.
This... sounds like a scam.
@Geckodelimon: 8 out of 100?