
I am too, especially because I’m on a Good Wife marathon (I just didn’t think I’d like it and avoided for years). Lots of parallels, including this. I know Hillary won’t defend herself like Alicia Florrick did.

When she wins, I’m going to throw out so many “Bless your heart”s to friends and family back in Texas.

Yeah. I am NOT excusing him, and yet- most of the guys my age (that age range).... are still pretty fucking far behind. Not that I have guy friends saying shit like that. I don’t know what I’m saying, never mind. JUST GIVE ME WILLIE GEIST BACK! That’s the best thing that can happen right now.

OH MY GOD. THANK YOU. This makes me real happy.

I just want Willie Geist back, 5 days a week. I just need it. Let me have him back, NBC.

I think I’m missing something! I want to see the pantsuit flash mob!

I’m kind of curious if Billy Bush will be on the Today show next week. Or if he’s commented on this at all.

Yep. The non-rechargeable battery and the fact that it sometimes couldn’t locate my keys in my own home. It would take ten minutes for a signal to be found. Right. No thanks.

Yep. The non-rechargeable battery and the fact that it sometimes couldn’t locate my keys in my own home. It would

Oh. This is not what I wanted.

I skipped that one completely because: Emily Ratajkowski, the Rita Ora of acting.

Yeah, and just looking at data (I was curious) D.C’s sunset is pretty much exactly the same- except for a few weeks where it’s about a half hour later than Chicago.

I’m from one of the most miserable weather cities in the country (Houston. It’s gross.), and... I’m sorry- you wore a coat this summer? What week was that? There were 10 days in June/July where the low at night reached into the 50s.

#2: Post-coffee spectacular morning poops.

Thank you. This is going to reallllly get under the skin of all my gun-toting dude friends back in Texas that in the five years I haven’t lived there- I have been amazed that we were even friends.

I think that’s probably how- I remember definitely thinking I should not be watching this.

I first saw BVD when I was way too young, I must have been 13 or 14. I don’t even know how I saw it- because nobody I know is familiar with it family or otherwise. It introduced me to all things camp, exploitation, or B-movie, I hadn’t even heard of Faster Pussycat Kill Kill- and I also thankfully found Switchblade

I was super in love with her at that moment.

Meanwhile, Phylicia Rashad....

I used to live a few blocks from there, ate the hueveos rancheros quesadillas at the buffalo grille every weekend (same strip center).

nm- picture won’t post.