Stompin Stu

Don't most restaraunts get the card number over the phone and run it before they deliver?

I think it is when you take lettuce and cover it with sugar and marshmallow.

How many times do you think he will be pulled over during the race?

Here comes the pizza.


Fuck off mate!

You sure they didn’t use that boat to pick melo up off his sinking ship?

Just tell them they can move as long as Jason Kidd drives the moving van. They won’t get very far.

Not a horror story: one 4th of July we had some fireworks we brought back from vacation. My friends and I along with my mom watching were setting them off behind our house. The old neighbor man decides to come out and yell at the damn kids for setting off fireworks. This is the kind of old person in your neighborhood

At the other end of the trailer his son quietly puts the Kimi Raikonnen poster back under his bed.

. He said when balls are hit outside of the park it becomes a “free-for-all.” Glad to see Ted Nugent finally became a police officer.

Next time be a little more sensitive to the Native American people with the headline and say woo woo woo woo-woo woo woo woo the team not the singular woo.

He is just double checking for Dolan who is going to sign dale Ellis, Dan majerle, and Glenn rice next year at league high contracts for 10 years.

I have always thought as violent as Tyson is if he raped her there probably would have been some physical battery as well. Her not showing signs of being hit always put a doubt in my mind.

This is old news. I have read the 16 yr old boys version of the story in penthouse about 10 times over the last 20 years. I think it starts out I never thought this would happen to me...and it is signed Got all up in them mom jeans. Google it.

My Russian is a little rusty but I think I heard the guy in red tell the guy in blue his shoes cost more than his house.

They must be getting vines of the plays shot portrait style by people in the upper deck.