
Creating other accounts to give more downvotes is completely valid. It may be pointless, but it feels so satisfying.

She could be playing Nickelback covers in the style of Kenny G and it wouldn't be relevant. Basing how much you care about others on their musical taste is the worst kind of narcissistic, elitist bullshit.

We've already netted one energetic troll, and the story isn't half an hour old. I expect this becomes a superfund site of rape apologists and other rubbish by morning.

Thanos perishes in a massive explosion. Magnitude: "Pop… pop."

I would respect the Russos even more if they secretly filmed new AD and Community seasons on Disney's dime. "So in this next scene, Tony Stark gives a speech at a community college, and then visits a fundraiser for a housing development."

I have learned something today: even the promise of Idris Elba will not trick me into watching a Macklemore video.

That's how you get very ritzy pink eye.

"Single-player is dead, F2P multiplayer is the future" feels like a mirror of last decade's "scripted television is dead, reality television will reign forever." There's a place for those kind of games, but eventually the market will be saturated and lots of developers will go running back to the audience no longer

I'd like to be that positive, but I think it's equally possible that GG attitudes were just more mainstream at that point. They didn't need a reactionary movement, because they were still catered to as the dominant part of the culture. I think there might have been a pushback still, though that's still no excuse for

How dare you call the guy playing Ferrous Man filth.

If this show is a success, ABC will just cancel all current programming and air re-runs of the 90s TGIF block.

Unfortunately, my cat demands royalties and a cut of the gross. I countered with one more can of food a day, but I don't think I'll win. He has a really good agent.

Using "cyber" as the subtitle of your tech show, and not meaning it as a double entendre, was the first sign that the creators had no actual knowledge of modern technology or the internet.

I'd have to respect their cheek if they manage to get lots of rah-rah-patriotism types to see an anti-war satire through deceptive trailers. Though with how extreme everyone's getting, the audience would probably burn the theater down once they figured out what the movie actually is.

How can that be true? It already has an 8.3 out of 10 on IMDB! It's not possible all those 590 people who haven't seen the film yet are wrong.

Noel Gallagher belongs to that elite group of individuals that you want to disagree with even when they're right, just because they're such a huge prick about it.

Reading a longer plot synopsis, it seems like they got a script for a horror movie and somehow thought it was a comedy. The ghost husband is only dead because he committed suicide after a heart attack, and the possessing requires that they murder somebody to take over the body. It takes a deft hand to make a good dark

Like a third of Columbo's murderers were just the same guy over and over again with different hairstyles. Just arrest the guy who looks like Robert Culp, Jack Cassidy, or Patrick McGoohan and be done with it.

Those games were worth about 5 minutes of distraction. I think my work today is more interesting, and it's mostly data entry and formatting.

Currently getting back into Hearthstone with the release of the Old Gods expansion. It's a really interesting set of cards, which makes playing free 2 play a little annoying for once. The last full expansion was wholly underwhelming, so I'd forgotten the frustration of wanting all the awesome new cards but having no