
The National - "England"
Tegan and Sara - "Walking With a Ghost"
Masta Ace feat. Pav Bundy - "Home Sweet Home"
AC/DC - "Beating Around the Bush"
Elton John - "This Train Don't Stop There Anymore"
Belle & Sebastian - "The Rollercoaster Ride
Shabazz Palaces - "Swerve… The Reeping of All That Is Worthwhile (Noir Not

There's not many, but Lady in the Lake is one of the most famous:…. It's a 1947 Raymond Chandler adaptation filmed from a first person perspective. After the novelty wears off, it's apparently just a mediocre noir film. I have a feeling there's a reason the concept never caught on.

That weird feeling turns to pure revulsion once you reach the song "Necromancer" on St. Elsewhere. It's a song about Cee Lo wanting to murder a woman by drugging her drink, then having sex with her corpse. When the album was originally released, critics interpreted it as some deep, metaphorical commentary. It turns

I read Raptor Red after seeing Robert Bakker give a lecture. I was still in elementary school, so I was terrified the teacher was going to turn to the raptor mating parts of the book when I had to give a report on it. Reading above your grade level could get really awkward at times.

The house isn't a colonial, it was a ranch-style all along!

The first time I was extremely hungover I watched Lost in Translation and Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai. Ever since, they've been my chosen movies for quiet Sunday mornings or whenever I need something soothing and centering. Both have soothing, mostly chill soundtracks, a loose narrative flow, and feature

Stardew Valley. I knew buying it was a bad idea. It's a game about building a farm, a home, and a community with some other fun systems like mining and fishing, that also takes a relatively low pressure approach to the whole affair. Sure you should water your crops every day, but nobody is going to come burn down your

In this case, godly powers exist to save the white guy and make sure he succeeds, so I think it still fits the bill. I will say that the Coens are smart enough filmmakers that they were probably parodying or at least playing with the trope.

Are those some kind of generic Ho Hos? You'd think with how successful this show is they could at least afford the brand name snack cakes.

*blows dust off recipe*
This isn't a recipe to make an. It's a recipe to make Anne!

He moved to Costa Rica with his wife in Season 5. I'm utterly depressed that I actually remember that for some reason.

I didn't hear their last album, but Float was quite good. They are mellowing with age, though, so the music is getting less punk, more celtic.

Animation, even medicore animation, is expensive. To reach typical Apatow comedy run time, they'd have to animate it Clutch Cargo style. Which would only be a little less horrifying than whatever's in that trailer.

Not a bad time to go in terms of weather, but be ready for Spring Break crowds. I never realized I was claustrophobic until I experienced prime tourist season.

Went to Epcot's Flower and Garden Festival with the wife while highly sleep deprived. Ate a bunch of really overpriced, really good food, got abnormally pissed off the manatees in the seas attraction were blocked from view, then nearly fell asleep at the wheel on the way home. My wife ordered me to take a nap, at

Those designs look more like seagulls with long legs than they do most storks. I want a movie starring wood storks that's all about the difficulties of balding starting at a very young age:…

"growing dissatisfaction at his job (an “agent” at an organization whose clientele appears to be a muddle of Vine stars, nonspecific divas, randos"

"Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?"

Down in Florida, there's a few different Ice Cream trucks that patrol the neighborhood, but they're strictly the pre-packaged items variety. However, since those "trucks" are actually just shady vans with an old air conditioner sticking out the back, they'd be rolling botulism factories with real ice cream.

If Trump is elected, Netflix and Hulu will shut down once the only content allowed on the internet is advertisements for Trump University and Trump casinos.