
"The current youth generation is terrible" has existed since there was more than one generation. The internet and social media has just made it way easier for the old men to yell at clouds, and made them a little harder to ignore.

A writer I follow theorized that the appearance of the word "millennial" in an article pretty much guarantees that said article will be a dumpster fire. I believe that same logic can be applied to comments.

Continuing my pain of wanting new games like Stardew Valley but trying to resist, I've hit my latest Steam game I played briefly but put down too soon. OlliOlli is a skateboarding game rendered in 2D, and it works beautifully. Stripped of the confused wandering infesting later Tony Hawk games, everything becomes about

My entire knowledge of this movie begins and ends with Kenneth performing "Top That" on 30 Rock. Which is probably for the best.

I'd love for him to do a travelogue show for Netflix. It'd be like an Anthony Bourdain show, but with a much better soundtrack and less exaggerated dickishness.

I generally don't have a desire to meet celebraties, but going on a food tour with Aziz Ansari would be one of the few exceptions. Mostly because you'd end up eating a lot of amazing meals.

To be fair, I don't think Sean Penn ever knows what the fuck is going on.

"I can't control the locks. Try now. Try now. Here we come Cheddar! Try now. Try now. Here we come Cheddar! Try now."

Sadly, opossum lifespans are surprisingly short, so Fairway Frank has probably gone to that big open dumpster in the sky. I'll just assume it was one of his many, many offspring keeping the legacy going.

My first spam reply, I'm so proud.

He once held an opponent's wife's hand, in a jar of acid, at a party.

The first Wheel of News segment, with the non-functioning projection, shoddy props and stagehand assistance, was incredibly endearing. Colbert could have jettisoned the segment and filled in some pre-recorded video, but solidered on instead and ended up with something much funnier.

I doubt he'll ever get a chance to give Trump or his ilk the real tearing down they deserve, but Colbert's starting to get his teeth back a bit. When John Kasich was on, Colbert rattled off his entire platform in seconds so they had to have a real discussion, then continually called him out on his terrible logic for

There was zero chance I would play this game. I watched a near minimized video of someone playing, with the sound low and commentary over top, and still managed to jump at least once. On top of that, they announced Junji Ito would be involved in the designs, which would have taken the game from "scary" to "mind

The Conchords were an essential part of my wife and I's early relationship. She couldn't afford cable in her first apartment, so we ended up watching Spongebob, HIMYM, and Conchords dvds on repeat. We'd love to go, but the muthauckas are
uckin' with our shi and not playing a venue closer than 3 hours away.

You know, I think I hated their songs.

I was still able to comment on the Spot.IM thread until this afternoon, when my browser finally gave in to despair and crashed the tab. I'm a little sad I didn't copy down some of the contents while I still had the chance (though near the end people were just posting excerpts from Moby Dick).

I had a childhood friend whose family was a bunch of vegetarians in rural Indiana. My parents would take us to McDonalds and he'd get to enjoy their vegetarian option: a bun with a few slices of cheese and some pickles. At least he got a toy out of the deal.

I've never enjoyed it myself. "Advertising filtered through nihilistic existentialism" is an amusing joke right up until it you start contemplating the meaninglessness of your own existence. Then I just want to say "Screw It" and order a huge amount of mozzarella sticks.