
This lifestyle doesn't appeal to me at all, but at least it makes some sense for its industry. The Silicon Valley types that have tech business meetings in strip clubs always seem like they're compensating for something.

"Dope boys who want to be rappers; rappers who pretend to be dope boys; dope boys who just want to be dope boys."

I'm pretty sure if I looked at how much money I've spent on Steam games I've never played, my head would melt and then explode.

I saw someone suggest a dragon riding a rocket ship. That's still less embarrassing than a fugly statue of a racist.

The original statue did look like some eldritch object of sheer madness, so it was appropriate for Lovecraft. Not sure I'd want that sitting on my mantle, though.

No, he'll be one of those hipsters that buy overpriced Polaroid cameras from Urban Outfitters. Part of the plot will be figuring out whether the pictures were taken ironically.

I can't be objective, because Batman: TAS was my childhood, but I still prefer it, too. I do think JLU balanced its goofier elements better. Batman wrung pathos from even the goofy villains, but took itself a little too seriously so that sillier episodes often felt flat. Scarecrow gassing athletes so he can bet on

The AV Club
Where people can only express themselves screaming and using "humor."

Does that show get better as it goes along? I watched the first couple episodes and was underwhelmed. It wasn't bad, just not as good as I'd previously heard.

Just think of it. If Disney had somehow purchased DC instead of Marvel, we could have had the Phineas, Ferb & The Question Aglet Mega-Crossover we've always wanted and needed.

The only issue I have with this show is the music. I've seen defenses of it, but the terrible, cheesy guitar soundtrack is always distracting to me.

I think Goldman's brilliant choice with the Morgenstern backstory is that he went big. He could have just invented some Middle Ages English writer, like a Chaucer lost to time. Instead, he invented multiple countries, geographic locations, and even ethnic descendants. You'd think that it would make it easier to figure

The movie describes some of Inigo's backstory for the revenge plot, but none of it is shown. The only mention of Fezzik's backstory is his comment about being used to fighting more than one man at a time, and Vizzini's line about finding him alone in Greenland. The loss of Fezzik's story is a bit sad, but Andre the

It's almost disturbing at points, and a little gross. Wesley talks to Buttercup like she's a child and is actively condescending. There's some nasty psychology wrapped up in some of those scenes.

Movie Buttercup is not perfect, but she's still much, much better than the book version. Book Buttercup is constantly defined by either her beauty or her stupidity, and often has to have basic concepts explained to her. At least movie Buttercup makes some minor escape attempts and has a human IQ.

I was an English major in college. This book's merciless skewering of classic literature and its die-hard supporters helped keep my sanity. Goldman comparing voluminous, inconsequential passages to Moby Dick's whaling info-dumps and then "cutting" them for the reader's benefit, that was true catharsis.

A professor from the college I attended revealed himself as a racist ultra-conservative when he retired. His response to recent protests of police brutality was that African Americans should start a race war "because we're the ones with all the guns." So yeah, one of the specific reasons they want guns is because

Department of Water & Absolute Power

All I knew about Mulaney was the hype his sitcom received, and the subsequent backlash when it was subpar to terrible. I had no interest in seeing his specials, until someone mentioned the What's New Pussycat story yesterday. I heard that bit ages ago and found it one of the funniest stories I've ever heard, but had

Good luck with Heroic adventure mode. I've watched at least one streamer pound his head against it, and he had every good card available and amazing decks already built. For the sake of my blood pressure, I avoid the Heroic modes like the plague.