Nixon's Back!

Okay, am I the only person out there who doesn't think the trailing missions are terrible? I can think of a few that could be mildly annoying, but I enjoy them, overall. They feel like little puzzles where my job is to determine which actions and motions to take in a precise order to get through as swiftly and

A fake arm flying out of the explosion would really sell the lesson...

My guess is Loras. He does get wounded close to death in the books - it could easily be changed that Obara causes those wounds on him. Maybe that way they'll finally introduce the hatred between Tyrells and Martells which they so utterly ignored this season.

But the reveal that Arianne had been betrothed to Viserys, and that Doran had been patiently plotting all this time, was fantastic. You can't introduce something like that and just let it drop because Viserys is dead. Plus, Quentyn's storyline emphasizes how people are beginning to converge on Dany as she becomes a

haha... but you ARE uninformed. 1) Bacteria and viruses REGULARLY insert their DNA into the crops you eat. Viruses more so, but the major tool for introducing DNA into a plant is by using Agrobaterium tumefaciens. A bacteria. That NATURALLY inserts it's DNA into a host plant. So, ya.. it does happen in nature.

+5 for use of caps.

Considering we pretty much gave away the ending of the next episode, I agree the Jorah bit was least spoilery. Seriously don't open up a GoT thread about the NEXT season if you don't want to read comments of people talking about what's gonna happen NEXT season.

I love Dorne and all the Martells and Martell bastards, but I don't think we will see much of Dorne as it seems like a majority are against us on that opinion.

I was just saying that it would be hilarious if season 5 was just Dorne stuff (much like book 4) with a scene with one of the established characters per episode. I really want that now.

Ok ok ok, so: imagine for a second the guy in the suit is Rick Moranis. I know, strange request, but just do it. Got it? Great. Awesome. Hold that thought.

Eh. Still better than Prometheus.

Well, shoot, that was a measured, informative and fair explanation devoid of partisan accusation or recrimination. Nicely done.

Gosh, maybe we'd know if Fox didn't refuse to let him talk about it.

Is the censoring of science not a "science" story?

I'd rather spend my two minutes hating you today.

Euron looks nothing like Daario, aside from differences in beard and and general appearance, Euron has two different colored eyes (one covered up by an eyepatch), one bright blue and the other pure black and that has been the case since Theon knew him (strongly implied he's been that way all his life). Unless you're

It's not just across the Narrow Sea and back. He'd have to sail from Slaver's Bay through or around Valyria, across the Narrow Sea, along the southern coast of Dorne through hostile waters controlled by the Redwyne fleet, and then another thousand miles up the western coastline to the Iron Islands. That's a 6-month

Daario appeared well before Euron sailed east. There is no way he could have left Dany for 6 months, gone to the Iron Islands for the Kingsmoot, and then come back to Dany afterwards in time not to be noticed missing for such an extended period. Slaver's Bay is like 4,000 miles from the Iron Islands as the crow

This kind of column highlights pretty much the only redeemable aspect of Mushnick. Give him enough rope, and he knows exactly what to do.

Oh, sure. You're just naïve. First Obama is bowing and scraping before Chinese robots from Japan, next thing you know he's sleeping with female Cylons and giving away access to our precious space defense grid!