Nixon's Back!

So what you're saying is that if it doesn't come to the platform you play on, you won't buy it?

Right? It's like the time I applied creationist principles and designed a new diode.

Creationism is faith and, by definition, not provable. It is not theory.

i'm not sure you understand what "theory" means in the context of science. there are no competing theories in regards to the diversification of life on earth.

If it means that kids entering college that are otherwise good in biology do not understand evolution (which is basically what it means), then it might mean they fail. They go home for thanksgiving and never come back because they weren't taught biology in high school.

Ahhh good old New England...where even the nun who taught me biology at my private Catholic high school presented evolution without any bullshit creationism qualifiers.

Well, I will always refer to Kefka as the God Clown now. Awesome video.

I really hated when they met the author. Ugh. It was so cheesy.

I would agree, but as has been said on this site before - saying FFT is your favourite Final Fantasy is like saying Bartlett is your favourite President; at once both patently obvious and cheating.

I'd multiple star you for this brutal truth that all Final Fantasy fans need to accept if I was allowed to.

Just came to correct everyone-

How can you have a film about the history of Final Fantasy and not mention Tactics?

Final Fantasy went downhill when Sakaguchi's integrity was bought off with cold hard cash. For the longest time he and Square had a staunch "no sequels" policy. Each game was to be their own installment in their own standalone world. A one-shot wonder and that was it.

Then the Enix merger. Suddenly! Movies,

Yeah, even the metre is perfect. The re-use of the first opening line has a cadence that, in its own rhythmic way, provides closure. I loved it to pieces.

I guess I'm the only one who thinks the ending was absolutely perfect. Every time I read King getting defensive about and saying he doesn't like I want to sit down and explain to him why it's the only way it could have ended. Sure the whole subplot of the baby spider thing never materialized and sucked in general, but

I would sum it up as: intellectual tries to take revenge for father's murder; ends up involved in the death of almost everyone he knows.

Sometimes a lot of people like something and you don't, then sometimes you like something and a lot of people hate it.

It happens, not really that big a mystery.

I second The Sparrow.

My, what an ironic header image you have there, io9, given that last season!

Waited until right before the story was going to drop before getting MU's comment? Really? Did you read any of the letter form MU's PR guy?