Nixon's Back!

The story is pretty much the only reason to play it again, and even then, just to get a new ending. It is interesting to see the character interactions throughout the game once you know the murderer, but some of the narrative logic can break down after too much reflection (how did the murderer know certain things;

I think you have been misinformed. Heavy Rain indeed has many endings ranging from the story-book ending of everyone-being-alive-and-the-killer-caught-by-the-police to the dark and gritty ending of all-major-characters-except-the-villain-being-dead, and various combinations in between.

Don't get me started on umami.

First Christina Hendricks, now Felicia Day.

If you would have said Lucy Lawless in her BSG getup, you would have had me.

White is a color, yes. And that is the issue with the video. It is trying to define color using scientific definitions of wavelength, while color is merely our perception of incoming light. The video argues that pink is not a color because there is no specific wavelength for pink, and then later suggests we use

Now playing

"...but remain turned off by how braindead many of the characters are."

I find it funny that he suggests calling pink "minus green" when white would not be a color for the same reason pink is not: there is no "white" wavelength.

Might just be me, but I find it funny that he wants to refer to pink as "minus green," which really means "white minus green." I think its amusing because white would not be a color for the same reason pink is not: there is no "white" wavelength.

Some of those hair styles are simply impressive.

Ugh. I have enough trouble helping people with Excel; I would rather strangle myself than try to teach someone a fast-paced reaction-based video game.

This was posted on another Gawker site recently, but I can find the post now. The other post said the video was a recreation of water levels from an early 20th century flood in Paris.

"I am still in the Stop-Adding-Unnecessary-Online-MP-To-My-Single-Player-Games camp."

Right when I updated to NXE, my first thought was "Huh, the blades are gone." Then I opened the Xbox Guide and thought "Oh, there they are."

I was flabbergasted to learn Too Human was considered a bad game. It was one of the freshest and most enjoyable games I'd played in a long time.

While consoles have always been more closed systems than PCs, I have to imagine that an Apple console would take this even further. And I surely wouldn't want to have to take a game through their approval process.

I thoroughly enjoyed the DLC; having found it properly difficult and quite amusing. I laughed for quite some time at climax. And better still, it was free.

Even if one counts the single-player of ACB as a loss (which I do not), the inclusion of multiplayer would have been enough for me to pay $60. I had amazing amounts of fun in Manhunt tracking down and/or evading bad guys with a friend.