
Sadly the top comment is “Let’s not be hasty about a long term problem now...”

Also what I want to know. Even in these comments, I have honestly no idea if the people arguing in favor of this are Black. If a lot of Black people actually were offended by this, then I agree there’s a problem that needs some kind of solution, but this seems like Netflix’s PR department getting overly cautious.

Did any African Americans actually ask for this? Like, people have been debating the merits of confederate monuments for decades and there seemed to be a pretty strong consensus that they were bad and racist... but I haven’t exactly seen BLM protesters marching in the street to express their anger at decade old NBC

Twitter has a Terms of Service agreement that outlines what is and is not permissible on their site. Every user who uses Twitter agrees to these terms. Twitter holds some people accountable to those terms and allows others to repeatedly violate them. Why?


But... but... the lack of prestige!

Now, would you pay $5 a month (with ads) or $8 a month (ad-free) for this viable alternative to Youtube (free)?

I totally get why the gender politics of a military officer getting in a relationship with a subordinate would be worrisome but in Mulan’s case:

Except when he’s her commanding officer he thinks she’s a guy and there’s no romantic interaction between them (though tension is arguable, neither act on it for a number of reasons) and the second he finds out she’s a woman he’s no longer her commanding officer, their romance can’t even actually begin until their

I hope they talk about The Conquerer and Stalker, both of which had a significant number of their cast and crew subsequently die from various cancers that may have been related to their filming in proximity to a nuclear test site and chemical waste, respectively.

Now playing

Oh, FFS, sure, let’s judge what some guy we know absolutely nothing about gave his girlfriend, who we also know absolutely nothing about. Maybe she’s an exercise fiend who was THRILLED with the gift. Fuck’s sake. Buncha Internet busybodies clucking down their nose at people.

Maybe she actually wanted the bike, but hey, I’m an internet commenter so I am perfectly and uniquely placed to judge this total stranger for an act about which I have no context at all!

Dude, what are you talking about? I’m 42, this cartoon is for people my age... you know, the people that love nostalgia and pay for the Netflix account.

Number one, the cartoons we watched growing up weren’t original, just glamorized TV ads designed to push toys. I know stories about good vs evil only became

I just want to point out that anytime you start a sentence with ‘George Lucas said...’ that what follows next isn’t necessarily and most likely isn’t the truth.

One thing worth pointing out in context is that these are not good times for VFX houses, despite movies using more and more CGI. See, firms competing to get these movies have to underbid, they’re given increasingly tight schedules and expected to work miracles, and many of the artists and programmers are not unionized

I’m going to use this as an opportunity to mention The Things , which is Peter Watts short story of The Thing , told from the POV of the alien ..its really quite good.

From everything that I’ve heard, and from a brief look at the summary, “The Thing” seems to be much closer to the story than “The Thing from Another World”.

I’d settle for releasing the prequel with the original ending and practical effects left in.

Here, Stanley updates the material by tapping into contemporary anxiety about environmental disasters, specifically tainted water.