
Eh, seems more like the author didn’t clarify the Boondocks were excluded from that comment. 

Justwatch(dot)com  does that and has working apps, as well  

Winter has a nice career making documentaries so it’s not like either of them “needed” to make the movie. They’ve wanted to for years. 

Where? All I’ve ever seen is deflection. 

And Allen is sill successful at making movies and just won awards. He’s not cancelled, his book publishing is. For now. Someone else will put it out for him. 

“It is NOT in the file!!!” from Exorcist 3 comes up a lot in my home. 

Rhodes was right. 

Now playing

You might enjoy this. That talk about that and having to reshoot the movie 3 times.

I remember most of the trailers I saw had the kid screaming as he fell or was washed away, etc..  It did not encourage me to check it out. 

I’d like to point out that it costs FIFTEEN dollars! Wow. 

Annihilation was more of a blending and Color is more Of a corrupting

(the hilarious and on-point “Minimum Wage,” which features only the song’s title and the sound of a whip-crack to portray the cattle-like treatment of the lower-waged worker).” -this article-

I had a bad day at work, checked out the Deadpool game from the library and laughed quite a bit. Don’t remember if it kept up the enjoyment level but have fond memories of it. 

I really did not want the Mr. Music bit to end. 

I don’t see why the “cat school” thing is so weird. Pretty sure those Planet of the Apes movies did the same thing. 

And then Mando shows how awesome he is by...getting shot at least 3 times while fighting the droids. Without that fancy armor the episode and show would be over. 

The phone number takes you to an interactive voice mail thingie with Trey describing the shows and how much it would cost to purchase (7 million dollars for one, I think). Kind of amusing. 

Unfortunately, they’re not really writing for Rifftrax anymore. And you can tell. 

Too much physical exertion to add all those caps.