
I think the most likely scenario is that both sources are (partially) correct / telling the truth. I already stated that the 99% was probably an exaggeration and I'm guessing the "bugs" were actually pretty extensive.

It's an RTS. One of the best actually, although really difficult.

Perhaps that's not the label that people in the Air Force or Navy prefer to use, but the colloquial definition of a soldier is someone who is a military professional.

If you insist.

Again, I'd like to point out that I don't care if it's CG or not. I have no bias towards or against it nor in regards to practical effects.

Or you could go with the fact that I cited Oxford and Webster as well. Your choice.

Yes, depending on your definition, all members of the U.S. armed forces are warriors. I don't see how that's a logical lapse at all.

The U.S. Marines are not the only marines.


I will admit that I'm impressed they used practical effects, although in this case it might not have been the best move.

Okay, second person to note this. I said "probably" CGI.

But marines are soldiers.

Hmm. In any case, be it prosthetic or CGI, my observation stands: it looks a bit lopsided. Not a big deal, but just an oddity that stuck out to me.

This is sort of out of nowhere but is it me or does Summer Glau's (presumably CGI-applied) metallic skull look out of place there? I mean, it sort of looks like they just lazily drew over her skin instead of carefully altering the image so it looked like the robot skull was beneath the skin.

Hmmm... that's a reasonably good choice. I haven't seen in much so I don't feel like I can give a ringing endorsement, but he can definitely do "seemingly nice kid with repressed darkness" pretty well based on what little I've seen.

Looks like it might be time to try rewatching TNG again. I tried earlier with a friend but unfortunately the low quality of the video turned them off completely.

I was already spoiled on both of the above two details, but for future reference you might want to avoid putting two spoilers in the header for the article. It's one thing to have spoilers in a recap. It's another thing to have them on the front page.

Sort of.

True, although I wasn't really saying that it was a good thing either way.

It's possible. People on were speculating about Garth all the way back in 2010, when the script was in its preliminary stages and it's pretty well-known that Orci frequents the site.