
“It’s not actually the first time CBS and Viacom have been part of the same company”

“I fuckin’ warned you guys about this shit, but you were all like ‘Yay! I’m gonna live in the virtual cyberverses!’”

You appear to be missing the point entirely (and being kind of a dick about it on the way, which is really ironic considering what you said about “earning” your tone with reading comprehension).

It’s unfair for Valve to make as much money as they do, still charge as much as they do despite retailer associations not having the power they once had, and give such piss-poor support to not only consumers but also developers/publishers.

idk that they have. Elements of his work are popular on a purely aesthetic level, but there isn’t a lot of full-on cosmic horror out there (unless you count video games).

Let’s not pretend dorky Nathaniel wasn’t still unfairly gorgeous.

I love how both rom com and IRL Maya were all about keeping Nathaniel in line. Scolding him about kissing without consent, and saying “not aprops” to his bit at the end.

“fell for the Maya/Nathaniel pairing”

Two points.

They did. It was called Alien: Isolation.

Now playing

It makes sense to do this now, considering there’s a Stephen King revival on, because there’s A LOT of Stephen King influence here.

I wanted a new game, but hell, it’s more Alan Wake and it’s more than I thought I’d get to see so I’LL TAKE IT. Just please don’t suck please please please.

This is a public service announcement. If you’re writing a comment that’s going something like “Well I obviously abhor harassment campaigns and she shouldn’t have gone through this and has my sympathies, but...”