That show is ridiculously addictive.
That show is ridiculously addictive.
I can second that. Unfortunately, what issues get discussed is largely determined by what voters perceive to be important issues, which aren't always important.
I'm not sure what the principle you're espousing is. That you shouldn't use sex to sell games? I actually don't see a problem with that, as long as the material itself is substantive and the women in it are more than sex objects.
No, I figured you might be joking. But it's not funny.
I'm a poli sci major so I don't actually tire of politics in any long term sort of way: FiveThirtyEight is probably one of my most frequently visited websites alongside io9 and I'm a pretty frequent watcher of The Daily Show and reader of the NY Times. I'm also a volunteer this year for a local campaign.
Right, but dismissing the game outright because of a single publicity image (and it's not even the one they use most widely - that's a guy in an 80s jacket with a gun) is a bit silly don't you think?
Katsulas and Jurasik both did an excellent job on B5. They're definitely both my favorite actors/roles from that show.
Harrison Ford's Han Solo is a great character, make no mistake, but he isn't as complex as Nathan Fillion's Malcolm Reynolds. Now granted, Solo's received a lot of extra characterization over the years through the Star Wars EU but in the movies he's essentially just a scoundrel with a heart of gold.
I watched one episode of EMH and will admit to not being impressed (it seemed a bit cheesy IMO). But I've heard a lot of praise for it and I know what I watched was just the first episode so I'm willing to believe it improves substantially from there. Does it?
Fair enough.
But my contempt (if you want to even call it that; I'd call it harsh criticism, since I don't actually feel any loathing) was directed towards overambitious movie executives and marketers who don't know when to quite while they're ahead. You seemed to imply I was insulting io9's readership.
They rather explicitly say they have two teams now. They didn't say what the other team is working on, but I think it's a pretty fair bet to say it's The Witcher 3.
It looks more like a tribute to late 80s and early 90s cyberpunk artwork to me. The Ghost in the Shell manga and first movie are kind of from that era, but the art style to me screams of a pre-GitS style of cyberpunk.
Reminding me of GitS is never a bad thing in my book.
There's a category known as "meh good?" I thought "meh" was usually an indicator of mediocrity - not terrible quality, mind you, but simple, plain dullness.
That's probably true.
The Witcher games are really intelligent. Granted, they also have a lot of sex. Like, Game of Thrones levels. But having nudity and sex doesn't preclude intelligent writing.
Not really.
I'm not a huge fan of the show (I've only watched about a dozen episodes from the first season) and I do think it might be somewhat overrated but I must admit that I'm surprised by some of the vitriol the show is getting in the comments. I was under the impression that the show was nigh universally praised.