It's not the same ship nor the same planet and hence it is not the same Engineer/Jockey.
It's not the same ship nor the same planet and hence it is not the same Engineer/Jockey.
Aren't treads just a specialized form of the wheel?
Hmmm... I think another person would serve better as a sacrificial lamb who died for the realm's sins though. A number of people actually.
I'm with you. I can't help it and I don't care.
Windows 8, however, has provoked controversy by completely changing the basic UI... which is what I think corpore-metal was referring to.
What's interesting is that as a result of this split, populations within the Khoisan group should about as much genetic diversity as the rest of humanity does combined. And that's including every other genotype within Africa. Once you eliminate the African populations from the pool it gets even narrower, to the point…
That's certainly possible, but it's not as if Khoisans stopped evolving when they split off from the rest of humanity 100,000 years ago. More likely it has to due with latitude (which determines your exposure to UV radiation). Italians are darker skinned than Swedes although both are "white," as one example,.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Skin color comes in quite a variety of shades within Africa. For example, here's a Khoisan (Khoe-San) tribesman from southern Africa. And here's Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in central Africa. So there's a definite range (and that's not even getting…
I think a large part of it (besides the fact that Hollywood execs are always looking for IPs to license) is that for certain books, especially those that come as part of a lengthy, wordy saga like A Song of Ice & Fire / Game of Thrones, TV is actually a better medium for adaptation than film.
To a certain extent I'm guessing you can assume we skip the more mundane days/weeks/months of his life.
But it does. The universe is a horrific place, which is what the article was saying.
Well, if it helps its looking to be drawing from the Late Middle Ages and early Gunpowder Age rather than the High Middle Ages. There will be guns, among other things.
Well, except Kaidan seems to be recognized pretty easily. And Wrex doesn't.
I second this motion. It is an amazingly good show which I never thought could live up to its hype before I watched it.
Interesting that Street Fighter and Sonic get the most prominent visibility in these posters, what with two characters from each franchise represented and one of each front and center for their respective poster.
What I find interesting is which characters seem to have successfully entered cultural osmosis based on this gallery and which ones haven't. Mordin, for instance, seems to be well-recognized along with Liara, Tali, and Garrus (especially Garrus it would seem) but others, like Ashley, Miranda, or even Anderson haven't.
"You honestly gave them money with no expectation of a product or return? Dude, if you're giving away charity, next time please give it to someone who's not already a successful, renowned developer."
Great job disregarding his last paragraph.
Tim Cain apparently did confirm that they're not using Onyx, mainly because the "middleware" is too expensive for their budget.
"What you describe is a donation, but it's a bit questionable in relation to a video game Kickstarter because you are receiving a product in exchange for money"