sources referred to the movie as “irredeemable” after test screenings.
I’m just kinda surprised at the Bialik dislike here. I wasn’t enthused with her initial two-week run, but I didn’t think Ken was that great on his first couple of weeks either. Both of them seem to have settled in fairly well, even though neither of them are as polished as someone who spent 35+ years doing the job. …
These are good choices, but in addition to Caleb McLaughlin as Lucas Sinclair (as G-Off has already mentioned), Joseph Quinn as Eddie Munson managed to deliver one hell of an arc, starting out as the metal stoner who I felt was offputting in his introductory scene (which I presume was deliberate) to the end where he…
Agreed! All joking aside, I think this is a perfect reset for him as a director. Sidenote: Finally checked out his Halloween II last year, and kind of loved it?
Considering that both Brittany Murphy and Tom Petty are both gone, if the show comes back- they should actually kill their characters off- and have Peggy and hank raise their daughter...
Honestly it would feel disrespectful to me personally if they recast her. I would bring back the entire original primary cast (sans Murphy obviously) and then tastefully write her out in lieu of another female character to fill that void.
It takes the barest minimum of human decency to allow a queer person to live their life unharassed. It costs nothing to simply leave them alone. To not say something cruel or nasty and instead mind your own business.
Somehow, that’s still too much to ask for so many, not just in the gaming community, but on the planet…
It’s funny how these seminal moments in games garner different responses from us. 14 year old you took it in for what it was meant to be, something touching and intimate whereas 8 year old me just wanted to get back to fighting monsters. Took a few years, some hormones, and a replay of the game to realise that “Wait,…
Get over it.
I don’t see why it’s a problem for a study to confirm and quantify a phenomenon that we already know is real. We all know that society values women's thinness over men's. This study confirms that it holds true among heterosexual marriages as well. Just because the phenomenon being described is gross, that doesn't mean…
How are golf video games so hype? I love the looks of this and have feasted on Hot Shots/Everybody’s Golf for years.
Thing is, you’re not supposed to like Zaphod. He’s supposed to be an obnoxious jerk, and him being Galactic President is another in a long line of jokes at the expense of Life, the Universe and Everything being one big joke.
But Ford? Yeah, Ford’s the best. On the list of people I’d want to travel the universe with,…
Or, hear me out, it’s okay to like things that influenced you as a kid and it’s okay to be bummed out when the author is revealed to be a bigot.
I just can’t watch the man talk. His voice, his face, his clear lack of any interest in doing his job that shines through in his posture and expressions, all just prompt a visceral revulsion in me. He could host a press conference where he admitted to criminal action and announced he’d be complying entirely with the…
I feel like William Castle would approve. seriously underestimate the difficulty of running the DMV and Post Office, and seriously underestimate just how effectively they are run.
They’re doing a new short and “adding to” the riffing of Moon Zero Two. Moon Zero Two was a first season episode. That early on they were still figuring things out and didn’t jokes as frequently, so there should be enough gaps for new jokes.