Nitzer Ebblestone

Brilliant! It’s not like a hacker could be in Russia or some other country without an extradition treaty is it?

Sounds like he learned business practices from Enron.

Yeah but that child is Baby Stig!

Pithy. Pith off yourself.

True. I’m just thankful to have lived through pretty much 53 years of undiluted 911 but it won’t last forever.

Anything derived from a Porsche (sportscar) that is not also a Porsche is a sacrilege. QED.

j/k - that was totally on Brendon. Understandable though that he wanted to not back off for the movable GTE chicane. In that respect any non-LMP1 car has the potential to be the new 458.

911 is the new 458?! Noooo....

I originally, sadly, had put the blame on Vettel but after watching the video a few more times at slower speeds I think it’s probably in the realm of racing incident. Essentially you had 3 guys trying to occupy a space big enough for 2 and I think Kvyat and Vettel were both trying to muscle their way through. Kvyat

tch. I gave you a freebie and you whiffed it.

the quote is, “I fart in your general direction.” Now go away before I taunt you a second time.

Probably because you don’t understand most of them.

Maybe you are blessed with a preternatural ability to divine content without reading it first; most aren’t.

I admit Rogoway is good and seems to have passion and flair for his subject. But I for one (possibly the only one) was always more than a little irked that I had to endure American Military-Industrial Complex propaganda about the latest and greatest killing machines when I was just here to enjoy stories about cars. I

Spied: Porsche Hearse...

Based on your original tendentious comment and your seeming need to respond to virtually every comment on the subject I’m not entirely convinced that you’re not just attempting to troll the Porsche faithful.

Et maintenant messieurs et mesdames, je vous presente ... le crashe terrible!

How many people go to the track? How many Cadillac drivers? Most people who buy these cars are 50+ guys - because they’re the only ones who can afford to insure them - and then potter around at legal speeds. You certainly don’t need 700+ HP at the track either.

Did America institute an Autobahn or significantly raise speed limits? Why so many muscular cars in a land of puny speed limits?

What have they done? Largely ripped off the Range Rover Sport and made it a bit different with non-sensical doors.