As a Brit, I’m bound by duty to the Queen to complain that it’s not “The Times Of London”, it’s just “The Times”. All other newspaper publications called “The Times” are Johnny-come-latelys and should be qualified with an “of”. Good day, sir!
As a Brit, I’m bound by duty to the Queen to complain that it’s not “The Times Of London”, it’s just “The Times”. All other newspaper publications called “The Times” are Johnny-come-latelys and should be qualified with an “of”. Good day, sir!
Do they have London cabs in California now?
It was a righteous result. Happy for Grosjean, Haas, and America in that order. I hope they can keep it going but reality might set in. Pity about Gutierrez and Alonso; glad they both walked away with the only damage being done to cars, bottom lines, and egos.
Throwing my me-too into the ring: after Q1 I was unexpectedly well-disposed towards the new format; in Q2 I was excited to see the shoot-out between K.Mag and JolyonP. But then came Q3 and to say it was anti-climactic would be a hyperbolic understatement. If the top 8 are just going to give up and sit in the garage…
I’m OK with it. As long as they’re bringing the RS4. Bring it!!!
I still hate the rear that looks like it’s disgorging a 911, but otherwise the level of want is very high. Hopefully a slightly modified version without the 911 being birthed and more oomph is coming down the pike.
Seen several in Vancouver BC, the posh car capital of North America, plus also in & around Seattle.
Toyota Celica-inspired.
Make that a 74 ROIC (Return On Investment Car)
cheap bastards! Wish I could be that cheap...
Is the guy on the left in the top video (at Goodwood FOS) Mr. Bean? Sounds like him.
Oh ya?
I asked for clarification on your personal safety concerns vs. those you make on the behalf of third parties, to wit F1 drivers. Not ad hominem. You’re the one flinging around words such as “ridiculous” and “childish”.
You don’t understand ad hominem, do you, “fella”. If you have to point out you made a “reasoned and calm argument” then you probably didn’t. Rail against safety all you like; the arc of F1 is towards more safe cars. Jean Todt’s day job at the FIA is improving automotive safety, and that incorporates F1 cars. So keep…
Sebastian Vettel tends to disagree with you and Hamilton. Kimi claims there is no downside to the device. It doesn’t significantly change the look of the car. Whose counsel should we take, yours or Vettel’s and Kimi’s? I don’t even know what argument you’re making: is it that F1 should necessarily include the chance…
Should have used a better seating position...
just what I was hoping for ;-)
Not generally Zagato’s biggest fan, but this is fantastic. It’s a better Agera than Agera and beats the Chiron into a chocked hat.
wow, dat diffuser! Dat ever dayum thang!
Zenvo for the masses!