Nitzer Ebblestone

“The caa can cop this sort o’ treatment all day...” Epic Aussie attitude.

Kalibr? Try Kollidr.

The price of a Porsche GT3 or GT3RS because that’s the one that I want, who who who, honey.

I’m with LongRoofDave: Stef is a brilliant writer and driver and the bunnies and puffalumps add a frisson of creativity and whimsy. If you don’t like it, you know there’s a big ole internet out there where you can be a curmudgeon. More Stef Schrader! Less moaning minnies.

I love Citroëns. I keep requesting one from French rental companies but never get one! Last year I wanted a C4 but got a Nissan Juke, thanks to which I now love the Juke and lust after a Juke-R :p

Squee indeed! You are my heroine! (For driving the Nordschleife and many more reasons)

And Walter Rohrl is a demi-god! Far be it from me to take his name in vain...

Walter really shouldn’t have pranged that 918! I hope Porsche lets him drive something faster than a tractor soon. Actually, this is pretty awesome.

Brilliant write-up. I kind of want one now...

I can’t believe it. This is not a good year and it’s not even two thirds complete. RIP Justin Wilson. Thoughts to his wife and family.

I smell a rat, a big, fat, dirty rat. We don’t hear a peep out of the refineries until gas prices are in danger of falling and suddenly they’re offline for maintenance, blowing up, have insufficient capacity, take too long and are too expensive to build new ones, blah blah blah, etc. etc. etc. I don’t think there’s a

I wonder if that’s a stealth radar-and-laser-invisible coating? I wonder if I can get me one of those...? As others have said, the car looks awesome like this, and I’ve not been the most appreciative of other pictures I’ve seen so far.

The most beautiful car ever produced. Sorry, Enzo, but the E-type doesn’t quite do it (and you know there was a spat going on between Enzo and Ferruccio anyway so his answer was probably political. What am I saying? They’re Italians! Of course the answer was political.)

My knowledge was not improved and I think the quality of my life was actually reduced by watchng that video. Imbecilic. What the hell had they done to the driver’s side fender and that wheel too?

This was better: New ones, sadly no.

Ha ha ha. Carma. What an f’ing douche! Never mind the car, he almost hit that guy. Hopefully his poor regard for physics will soon see him removed from the planet. I just hope he doesn’t take his girlfriend or anyone else with him.

Yes! Audi, please import the wagon version. Will buy.

is there a not-so-subtle political message here? Blue (Dem) is left (wrong), Red (Republican) is right (right)? Right?

Just replace the speedo with an animated image of Travis’ face to know how truly fast you are going. Call it the Travisometer.

Now this is how Lamborghini should advertise the carrying capacity of a frunk. Unfortunately, Elon Musk’s Tesla hold a whole lot more.