Nitzer Ebblestone


Yeah, that was my originally thought too, followed very shortly after by, “Whuh?!”

Even if I had the skill to be an F1 driver (and the youth!) I doubt I could do it with an idiot constantly yammering in my ear like that. I can sympathise so well with Kimi’s desire for his race engineer to STFU while he’s driving.

in the immortal words of the principal’s secretary from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, “he’s a righteous dude.”

That’s like Weekend At Bernie’s... they’ll just keep dragging him around race meets and pretending he’s animated. To hear virtually everyone in F1 talk, only Bernie can run the show, and he can never, ever die. Maybe he’s a vampire, except he seems able to resist sunlight.

Wait! Is that a young Mike Spinelli? Or maybe a young Spinelli Sr? In the grey sweater...

I’m suppressing a wicked desire to say it!

But was it on a RISC processor with parameters passed in - reassignable - registers?! Not being able to fix or prevent a divide-by-zero without causing problems elsewhere wouldn’t have filled me with optimism, particularly when dealing with a recalcitrant robot that just tried to decapitate you. Time to move on to a


Maybe the arm was trying to catch the exception?

Apparently it’s a Sunbeam Imp! (Don’t even remember that one, maybe it was an American import?). Somebody else here found the pic that Torch used and it says Sunbeam.

That’s it!

#1 is neither a Jensen nor a Porsche. On expanding the picture I now see it’s some kind of small hatchback (well, it looks like it to me). I was thinking early Mazda 323 or Honda CVCC but it’s neither of those. What. Is. It?!?!?!

1. I thought was a Jensen Healey but could be a 1960’s 911 but the lens colour in the indicator is the wrong way around.

Agreed. The GoPro was perfectly placed on Millen’s car. The Loeb video was all over the place but you do get to see the speedo: >130mph!

The electric version is like the automotive equivalent of gliding, a much purer aeronautic experience than a powered plane, IMHO. I think this electrickery may have a future!

We have Travis’ natural successor! ;-)

Has Hollywood called Michael Ballaban yet because not only does the man have driving skillz, he has acting chops to boot! I like watching Jalopnik almost as much as I like reading it.

Porsche ethos is slow-in-fast-out, but much less so with the 991 which has an almost balanced chassis, for a rear-engined Porsche. It’s possible this guy learned on earlier Porches and the style has stayed with him. Totally agree on Z06-man overdriving.

Was that Sammy or Kimi? “Shut up!” Lol.