Z06 guy would have gone a couple of seconds faster per lap without 150lbs of farcical instructor. Then again, he may have fallen off entirely without him there.
Z06 guy would have gone a couple of seconds faster per lap without 150lbs of farcical instructor. Then again, he may have fallen off entirely without him there.
All the better to make those crazy-scared faces! Michael was obviously understudying for Travis and now Travis has moved on, the Royal Shatnerspeare Company has asked Michael to step up.
Porsche Carrera (991) GT3, not GT3 RS. Porsche guy does eventually get away thanks to bad shift by Z06man. GT3 guy looked like another average driver to me (not saying I’d do any better, but neither were instructor or advanced level based on what I discern from lines and momentum carried. Then again, it was a track…
Thanks for that. I thought, looking at some of the comments, that I was the only one seeing badly missed apexes and poor lines. Neither the Z06 nor the GT3 looked to be instructor-level to me. The GT3 might have been taking it easier except for the banking, which would have pissed off the Z06 guy even more. Dat…
Plenty of vintage Porsches with RHD have been going for megabucks (aka ultrapounds) in UK. Britain still drives on the left (aka wrong) side (and I’m a Brit who acknowledges the ultimate wrongness of RHD so much so that I had to leave the country. It had nothing to do with my license being filled up with points!…
Is that price range adjusted for the exchange rate, or is that the actual range in Pounds Sterling with a dollar sign? Considering how old Porsches have appreciated recently, £28,200 - £35,800, give or take at the current exchange rate, seems low to me. I’m sure it’ll go for much more than that, if only for the Slow…
Two words: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Ooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Was it just me, or was physics behaving differently in the passenger side of the 4C? It seemed that there was a greater localised gravitational force on that side? Huh, 4c must have independent gravity controls.
I think rather than a bribery or anti-competitive inquiry bearing fruit, CVC will find a way to sell off F1. That will be the biggest opportunity to rectify the problems that have been caused by CVC treating it as a cash cow. We just have to hope that it’s bought by, or the shareholders are, people who actually care…
I agree with half of what you say. If the advertising and brand awareness and kudos that comes from being at the sharp end of Le Mans is working for Audi then I expect to see VAG continue to throw the money at the series. Porsche was obviously diminished by not being at Le Mans for 15 years after its stellar history…
You win the Terry Gilliam Excellence in Gif Award for that bouncy VW image. Strangely perfect choice of period vehicle
Sibling rivalry is also good for the breed? As with Mercedes in F1, the intra-company rivalry at VAG between Porsche and Audi was the most thrilling aspect of 2015 Le Mans in LMP1. I hope Audi don’t just tuck their tails and slink off now that they’ve been toppled from #1 (for one whole year). Le Mans counts for an…
The thing that worries me is Porsche becoming more of a high-ticket luxury item and the 911 moving even further away from its sporting heritage towards being a blingmobile for the well-heeled. Porsches (911) have always been expensive but the luxury aspect is starting to outweigh the sporting aspect in anything having…
Great coverage too, thanks Stef Schrader!
I was pulling for #64 Corvette too after what happened to Jan Magnussen.
That was outrageous! The best Le Mans I’ve ever watched, and for once I watched it all which I never did when attending live! Unbelievable result for Nico Hulkenberg. Totally awesome result for Porsche. Phenomenal racing for 24 hours. Brilliant.
I think everyone’s mind went to Allen Simonsen, particularly as it’s another Aston, but no-one wanted to say it, understandably. It seems that Roald Goethe was talking with medical personnel as he was taken to the medical centre. I fervently hope he’s going to be OK. It was a big hit. I am certain he was surprised by…
I think Le Mans is now officially more important/more entertaining than an entire F1 season. As a life-long F1 aficionado that’s painful to admit but as a life-long Porsche aficionado, Le Mans has actually been more visceral and had more meaning to me than what the rarified celebrities in F1 are up to. I’ve been to La…
Pulitzer Prize worthy stuff! Great article. I feel for Don Panoz but I’m also afraid that they didn’t insist on signed contracts so it’s just going to be money down the litigation hole in the hope of some kind of reparation. Mr. Bowlby doesn’t come out of this smelling good either - it appears that he was mindful of a…