
There’s something about the fact that both Mercedes and Chevy use arguably the nastiest NA V8s for their road cars but are just as at home when the same blend is placed in the AMG GT3 and Corvette C8R.

It’s Musk that’s actually advancing the space “race” although no one is competing with him. He’s making the advances necessary to eventually get to Mars. I have no doubt that Musk’s tech and crew will make it to Mars first. Branson and Bozo are just selling carnival rides to the elite. Neither are innovative or spark

But private business bad, because the government can do the same thing but more expensively

Some days it appears less that someone is mad that their cheerios were peed in, and more that some asshole put cheerios in their bowl of pee.

Christ, when did we all get so jaded and misanthropic. We are in the second golden age of space travel and all you can do is shit on it. Yeah space travel is expensive, and yeah we should really do something about the massive wealth disparity we are seeing, but at least with this we are getting something for it. It’s

“The cars are already here, tell me if the [United Nations] Army or what power will be able to take them out and send them, where are you going to send them? The cars are already here. I think it would be a very favorable solution to be legalized,” Castillo said last week in the Chamber of Deputies.

Don’t disagree with increased testing, but the harping on about ‘public testing without our consent’ is garbage.

You didn’t even need to go through any sort of deep analysis to get to the conclusion that assuming no one was in the driver’s seat was ridiculous.

Now you decide to lean towards the narrative of blaming the doors.

Fixed that for you.

I suspect Erik is drooling when he get to write insults like this.

5th Gear: These stories are not bad, necessarily, even though they celebrate capitalism.

Shilling can’t help himself when it comes to his limp wristed attempts to slam capitalism. 

You look at it the wrong way. Are Tesla cars more expensive than the competition at sticker price ? No they are not, they are already priced competitively vs the competition at sticker price. So why would they have to sell them with a discount? If other cars manufacturers would have this business model, their sticker

3rd gear: She sits on the board of a Lidar company. Kind of relevant.

Ethereum has also shifted to a proof-of-stake position, so mining is limited to those coins that demand mining, aka Bitcoin.

The Aussie article calls it a front end loader. C’mon, tractors are literally designed to pull things; it’s in the name from which “traction” derives. This has nowhere with which to pull.

When is a tractor not a tractor?

Tesla’s bottom line will be comfortably padded by then. The Roadster 2 will be out, and then Tesla will start the refresh cycle in earnest.
Why hurry if the current product sells just fine?

The Model S has been completely revamped and demand is through the roof. The 3 is just barely 4 years on the market and still hasn’t been challenged by anything.