
I owned one of these. It’s probably the cheapest way to own a V-Dozen, if that’s your goal.

Paragraphs spent harping about house hunting...not germane.

So we’re just going to ignore the corruption of the UAW and the bailouts of the auto manufacturers?

I think you touched on the frustrating part for me.

I think a decision needs to be made on whether it’s more important to get ICE vehicles off the road and replaced with EVs or to back unionized labor over non-unionized labor. Yeah, southern states have ‘right-to-work’ laws and generally don’t support unions; but they are still American workers and taxpayers. While the

Then why do they need such preferential treatment from the government? If unions aren’t a disadvantage surely they can compete on the same playing field as all the automakers that don’t employ unionized labor.

For anyone wondering: Yes, I listened to Dragula on repeat for the duration of researching and writing this

I aspire to clean the other half of my garage before winter. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.

It’s about that time for me to cut off many, many individuals. Anyone defending R Kelly is someone I want nothing to do with, ESPECIALLY when they fucking bring up how the system treats Black folks as a reason to.... what? Excuse the shit he did?? Get less time than his predator ass deserves?? Fuck comparing him to a

like the Boondocks said over 15 years ago “every black man who is arrested is not Nelson Mandela!” there’s a time and a place to comment about criminal justice reform.  This is not that moment, this is a moment to acknowledge that sometimes the system does get it right and sometimes harsh punishment is warranted for

I think what this demonstrates is that some black men have a kind of narcissism that only allows them to see themselves as victims. Black women’s abuse and suffering seemingly does not even register for them. A man in a position of power abuses black women and girls for decades and these men cannot even bring

That could not be further from the truth. The labor market is very tight, and people are more mobile than ever, with more access to information than ever. Employees are more capable of finding a new job with a better package than ever in the history of labor. Labor unions have never been less important, and their

Southerners are smart enough not to vote to organize and give some of their hard earned money to a corrupt union. UAW has tried to organize in the past and failed over and over again. So they stopped trying and saved all that money they would have spent trying to organize and... bought watches and lavish trips for

If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.

Not being arrested just for rolling coal is bad enough, but getting away with attempted murder or manslaughter charges? That GoFundMe better include money for a lawyer.

First you press it too hard.

The team needs a more intimidating jack man.

The point of the Tundra is that it is a thinking man’s full-size truck

uh, no. French? You mean German and Russian divers. The reasons Mick is with Haas, as explained in last year Drive to Survive, the other sponsor, 1and1, wanted a German driver for them to be a sponsor, as explained by Guenther Steiner