
It will probably run the same emulation or recompilation or whatever crap runs on x1. They have most of the games running now

Yeah we get it, pc is better. Thank God we have you to tell us lol

If it fails they still have the x1. The risk isn’t that big, they won’t “lose” customers because of the scorpio. It’s really about whether or not they will gain anyone

Exactly. It’s a spec war aimed at people who don’t know what the specs even mean! Haha there are so many choppy games on consoles.

It does everything at least to the bar of the original. For some games, it plays in 2160p, or 1440p, and other times you can run the game at 1080/60 when it runs at 30 on the original. There is also boost mode, which is supposed to make slight improvements (<5fps) over the original in games that aren’t otherwise

I think phones were a bug inspiration. People don’t mind having iterative upgrades every 2 years for those. What they really need is a premium subscription service for games that just gives you all of the games that come out. Maybe with different tiers or packages, like “the rpg package”, “sports”, “online shooters”

If I don’t want you advertising my product, do I have legal recourse to protect it? Or are you free to advertise my product even though I asked you not to?

If you cheat in online mp you deserve to be dragged out into the street and shot XD

And you get off to finding an “injustice” in a comment and “educating” the poster. Yes, fuck the both of you lol. We’re all very impressed that you respect people who rant I’m to a microphone and upload it for the viewing pleasure of racist 14 year olds.

All you guys do here is tell people what to think, and often with very immature, poorly thought out reasoning.

That’s totally delusional. Not everything on YouTube is made by a shill who wants to make it their living.

People like Phillip DeFranco don’t deserve to have money.

Ehh, I have no personal stake. These people can win or lose whatever complaint they have. Either way, I just don’t have the energy to get to the bottom of it. If your job can be eliminated by a change to the rules of steam, get a new job.

Dude it’s kotaku. People here live for this shit ... You think anyone here actually plays video games? The closest they’ve ever gotten to that is talking about a guy who streams video games, but if they dare to get that close it must not actually be about the game XD

Realistically I don’t think I would have played this either way. But for the record, fuck JonTron, and fuck you guys for making this an issue. No one over the age of 14 watches YouTube garbage, no one would have even had to know this guy existed if not for you. So fuck you.


Guys I just want to let you know that I’m a really good person because I disapprove of Richard Dawkins. Feel free to give me stars.

Seriously Kirk you always have the dumbest criticisms of games/consoles/UIs. Just play the damn thing and shut up.

It would be nice to know if possible what the PR mode does. I just got a pro, and it would be cool if it increased draw distance, fov, and some other things that I found kind of disappointing at launch.

Thanks for reminding us all to notice haha