
As long as he has self absorbed fuck faces like you guys to help him maybe just maybe he can be a better person.

You’re like Trump, feeding the red meat to your base. Eat it up, kotaku readers. Fuck pewds, but fuck you guys too. This is so fucking stupid. He said the n word. Yeah it sucks, but the way you guys just circle jerk over this shit over and over again like it actually matters is so fucking dumb. This is the internet

See you guys are here talk about ancient Greece while the republicans are getting people to vote for them.

Once a couple of normal people started liking Bernie Sanders the hipsters had to move back to Hillary because she was more electable, and Bernie is implicitly racist or too radically liberal or something. Just vote for who I tell you to or your evil.

Eh, you don’t seem worth government benefits to me. I agree with Bernie then I guess, since he’s a racist I now I guess.

Honestly? I really don’t give a shit if bernie Sanders eats kittens. Why can’t I just vote for the guy without worshipping the ground he walks on? He had some good ideas.

If only we could just let this be what it is - an idiot saying a racial slur in a moment of frustration. It is racist to casually say that word? Yes, especially on “air”. But bill maher said it and it didn’t destroy the entire medium of television, so I think we will be ok. We will catch you guys next week when you

I actually enjoy the crunch, as does my entire team. To some people, work is our lives and we actually enjoy it that way. It’s a nice reminder that there are still hard working people out there in our current generation of entitled, lazy fuck faces haha. Software just is this way. You can bring in as many shit fuck

You’re a douchebag. No one cares about your stupid fucking life

Haha I love it. Will surely get a lot of people pissed off at each other in comment threads

So what you’re saying is streamers are cam whores.

More people voted for Hillary than Trump...

If you don’t have an Id you can straight up go fuck yourself lol.

Economic violence? Are you some kind of legal scholar, or just a regular old douchebag? Lol

Voting IS pointless unless you live in one of the few states that don’t vote predictably, or if you do, you disagree with the establishment. I live in Mass, didn’t vote last time, was totally satisfied with how everything turned out for my state. We voted Democrat for pres, legalized weed, squashed some corrupt

This smugness. It’s what cost you self congratulatory pricks the election. Get your fucking heads in the game. The republicans are winning right now, it’s not the time for righteous indignation. Save that for when you’re side is winning lol. Right now we should focus on getting through the gop majority times with the

Nah he’s just gonna be invisible lol

Old school gamers like myself just say fuck these people. We don’t care about them at all, stop shoving them in our faces lol. If you wanna watch these assholes play video games and listen to their “commentary”, fine by me, but just get them out of my face lol

This is just such pretentious bullshit. If you spend your time bean counting this shit you are a dumb fuck simpleton. A lot of people spend their time solving actual problems in the real world, so consider your snowflake ass lucky that you even have considerable amounts of time to worry about judging the shit that pop

On one side I really don’t care what other people do with their spare time. On the other, it is pretty lame, and also, why should the entire way games work start bending to them?