In the end, it is a video game though. Like I love video games but not enough to really have an opinion on this. If you’re not playing in club/clan/non random matches how serious do you really expect it to be?
In the end, it is a video game though. Like I love video games but not enough to really have an opinion on this. If you’re not playing in club/clan/non random matches how serious do you really expect it to be?
You don’t have to do anything. If society is so lame, then just do whatever the fuck you want. Once you leave the boundaries of the internet you may realize the entire world isn’t watching your every move with baited breath. No one gives a fuck.
You don’t have to do anything. If society is so lame, then just do whatever the fuck you want. Once you leave the boundaries of the internet you may realize the entire world isn’t watching your every move with baited breath. No one gives a fuck.
No. James Cameron’s existence offends you to much. You won’t be able to watch the film lol. Don’t see em.
At the end of the day, Terminator was a better film than wonder woman.
Lol, they’ll never accept you as one of their own kind. Good effort, though.
While that might sound a little benign, this is the root, so nothing is ever benign. Full scale racial anger about every single event that ever happens, all the time, 24/7, 365. Why would you even give the time of day to his opinion on anything other than nba basketball? You’re actually proving him right in a weird…
It’s too meta. I refuse to let this be a part of my life. That is, caring what certain people watching someone play a video game think about the way the game is being played. Can we just go back to the time when you just played the game yourself? Every time streamers are brought into my life it’s when I’m hearing…
This community is the perfect example of why people troll. You guys take everything so seriously and sincerely it would be honestly hard not to troll you guys if I knew you were playing my game.
If people like you are our society, it’s not even worth saving.
Do you self absorbed fuck faces hear yourselves talk?
1000x this. Fuck deadspin. They troll for clicks on the other Kinja sites. You guys are fucking awful, don’t deserve the right to criticize literally anyone at all for any reason.
No one reads deadspin. They trick us into it by blasting instigating headlines onto the Kinja blogs people do read. This is how this whole dumpster fire of post Gawker gawker works.
At the end of the day the average person simply just doesn’t give a shit. People in the real world aren’t a part of the social media nightmare to the extent that they know or even give a shit what this guy says or does. Kinja incessantly interrupts my cars and viddy games blogs with and…
Shut the fuck up Nathan Jesus Christ you’re such a little bitch.
This is all the Nintendo nerds have - broken ass bullshit. Leave them to their devices, they will stay where they are and ruin only Nintendo games instead of all games.
Learning to deal with random shit isn’t a skill. This is why competitive activities don’t generally have these elements to them.
Nintendo needs to killthe 3ds asap. I know it has a huge base but I run out of paper towels when I play it as the screen quality causes my eyes to bleed profusely. I don’t know why Nintendo loves making giant yet absurdly low resolution screens. But I’m glad they sort of stopped with the switch.
Jesus Christ, you’re a grown man. Just tell him to stop. Are we really that much of a bunch of fucking manbabies these days?