
As someone who doesn’t have a lot of interest in the endless stream of low grade YouTube garbage related to gaming I hope maximum emotional damage was inflicted on everyone involved.

Dude it’s a game. Jesus. It’s a freaking video game.

So some nerds got some stuff in a game destroyed and put it on youtube.

It’s this kind of childish whining that gives those people their ammo. Thanks for helping the rednecks win. Above all else, keep crying, it’s what this blog does best haha.

Agree with OP. Played entire game with zero issues understanding the UI. I don’t doubt that he had those problems (why would he just make them up) but it just seems a bit over the top to me.

Haha, I played the crap out of this game and never even thought about any of this once. I just...Played the game I guess.

We discuss this crap like it has any meaning whatsoever. It’s just a bunch of YouTube garbage. Does anyone really care? I know I’ll get all of the hardo Kotaku intellectuals up my ass for saying that, but guys, ask yourselves: do you actually care what a bunch of YouTube losers say? Is it interesting in any way

I would have bought this game but now I’m not going to. Love difficult games including all of the souls games but I like playing with friends more. Will buy it if this is added.

Welp, you can fucking eat it now, man. Brady is the greatest and theres nothing your whiny little bitch ass can do about it. So sit there and wait to die I guess, you crying little shit face.

Hah, crybabies like you are making this that much better for us. Keep crying, man.

Im still getting it for Zelda and eventually Mario, but man, Nintendo just loves to give us games we’ve already played. I don’t care about virtual console, and I definitely don’t care about replaying indie games and ports from 5 years ago. Why can’t Nintendo just DO BETTER?

Can’t we all just laugh at this guy getting sucker punched? No? We have to play a stupid game of pseudo-intellectual one-upsmanship about why this is so bad? This is the internet afterall, so why would I ever have expected any better of you guys?

I’d honestly probably credit it to the exact attitude of the author and this whole article and comments section. Say what you guys want, you’re still sitting here patting yourselves on the backs and telling yourselves it wasnt your fault. Right or not, that is still just such a losers attidutide.

What a hardo. Sounds like one of those people who like loves to tell others that their kids don’t watch tv or eat candy. To each their own, I guess. I like playing video games, other people like getting mad about shit.

Gaming journalists smdh I always wonder where they even get you guys lol ... You come up with a totally arbitrary concept of cheating in a game that your just playing by yourself, and then enforce it with zero consistency across your different examples. If it’s an option in the Ui, it’s not cheating. If you’re clearly

God, these games are just downright terrible. I normally would never make a comment t like this. But these games are so bad I just physically can’t help it. They suck, and if you like them, you suck. Have at it with the righteous indignation. Just rmember: you suck.

It definitely is a gimmick. It is being done so that people talk about the game. And it worked. Not that there is any harm in it. I think that’s just the overwatch community. It really likes to invent backstories for its characters even though there is zero charavterization or narrative in the game at all, and it is

Why would you even bother to write this? It’s just whining for the sake of whining!