Plecostomus is a starred commenter

Native Southern Californian here. I lived in Iowa from 2004-06 in Iowa City. Being from SoCal, I simply could not deal with shitty whitepeople made mexican food. (I have a preference for getting ethnic foods from persons of that ethnicity - i mean logically a chinese person knows more about chinese food than a white

this is why persons who advocate for confederacy or cheerlead for such should be executed in public for treason as an enemy combatant

cannot believe that any person in US Govt - especially a state that was a part of the fucking Union (btw, I was an Iowan from 2004-06) - would be proud of the confederacy. disgusting

100% this.
It is not a baby until it is developed enough that it could survive outside the womb. Until then it’s just a lump of nerves and meat. People are so stupid “a heartbeat at 21 days”, well yeah, a heartbeat, but what about the fucking brain?

stupidass religious people must think the heart is the key to

i fucking hate the “x”-burger phrase that’s suddenly appeared

you can’t have a nothing burger, you have a fucking bun

Calling all Trump Supporters calling all Trump supporters why is this guy trying to make it so Mexico does not pay for the wall

Mexico is going to pay for the wall, they said, and I will fight tooth and nail to make the administration deliver on that promise.

Where are the cajones Trump had when he said he was going to

ehhh they kinda screwed a few parts makers, they don’t deliver and generally were kinda “we’re too good to talk to you”

no shit sherlock

this particular kit is the worst offender for Fiero kitcar badness

i kinda hate matt farah too but that came after meeting him & TST IRL.

I don’t have cable, and change the channel when he comes on.

twin engine goddammit
look at a picture of a Lockheed Electra. count the propellers.

Not at all.

I have a wonderful solution to your problem: move.

i lived in a skyscraper/city portion of long beach where parking was impossible. buy a fucking garage spot. jesus fuck.

i mean, for the inconvenience it causes you, why do you even have a car?

as someone who found that a person was violently murdered basically on my front lawn, ghosts are a legit concern of mine

so weird to see the nazi stuff included. i attended a reenactment here in Los Angeles, the annual Battle of Los Angeles reenactment and we have no nazi stuff at all

god i hate the stars and bars, shit makes me embarrassed to be white.

absolutely stress is devastating to any person. one need look no further than obama’s hair to grasp what stress does to a person. he’s like 20-25 years older looking than he was when he started his 8 year term.

is that an order of operations
1. boner
2. boning
3. preggers
4. baby

no. just... no.

most of the ‘for fun’ quadrotor type RC toys you can buy can barely carry a gopro. lol. payload. you funny.

or physically burn the rider, too.

no, no and no.

you know what the real reason for lanesplitting is? BURNS. You know what bikes are that your car isn’t (unless you’ve got a vintage VW/Porsche?) Air-Cooled, or Oil-Cooled or watercooled with its cooling components in close proximity to your body. Know what else you have that a motorcyclist doesn’t? Air