Plecostomus is a starred commenter

the lane splitter, not the person illegally cutting into the carpool lane as is the case 90% of the time

Shaq was rich once, but now is wealthy. the man is saavy.

oh let me one up you

myself and i am sure a huge subset of kids have this weird kink about hypnosis and for almost all of us it almost universally goes back to The Jungle Book.

it’s fucking weird, and i acknowledge that, and it’s also a fetish thats fucking hard for anyone to actually act on

what if your partner doesn’t seem to enjoy it that much and prefers digital stimulation instead, but you’d like to provide oral anyways?

you picked a shitty fruit to use as an example as the Avocado went up from appx $1/avocado to appx $1.25/avocado this year, i guess it was a bad year for avocado production so there is a shortage. so the 2017 Avocado is more expensive than a 2014 Avocado.

But I see your point.

that’s actually a really interesting question. let’s just assume demario is telling the truth for the sake of discussion - you have a drunk male, and drunk female, both of which are too drunk to consent.

Both seem to be the instigator. both clearly were intoxicated.... If a drunk person can’t give their consent then

dude what the FUCK, Rubio.

“Ignorance of the Law is not an Excuse”



Jason, what are those weird vehicles you showed pics of at the end???

What a strange fellow. Both my grandfathers fought against Japan in WWII and I was the world’s biggest Japanophile (read: otaku/weeaboo before it was called that) - neither held any sort of malice against Japan itself, though my maternal grandfather had this resentment about Hawaii. Maternal Gpa was a USN Diver who

it included a PILLOW?

if you have babyhands used to working on Z32 300ZXs or cut out the fenderwells

until you need to do a headgasket or valve adjustment.

the official car of :P

kinja duplicate posts

It now occurs to me you mean badge engineered Corolla/Prizm, Prizzola certainly sounds like a fucking Toyota foreign market model name though

a plecostomus is a kind of tropical fish, best known for being cool to look at and being a suckerfish that helps keep your tank clean

since i suck, it’s a

I think the smiling guy standing there making you feel awkward is the big difference.

what the fuck is a Prizzolla

what the fuck is a Prizzolla

the battle against tyranny is never over

i survived a motorcycle vs semi accident and lost half a kidney in the process

i pissed blood for 2 months

i drive my fiesta st like the rallycar it’s supposed to be and have not yet resumed pissing blood

how fucking hard on you are these fucking things