The GTI will always fit!
The GTI will always fit!
1. Just checked out their website
How did 30 people not die in this picture? lol
That Amazon - WOW!
I'm pretty sure clipboard guy is actually a Highlander.
Isle of Man has always been one of my bucket list places/events. That was an incredibly awesome video, those guys are crazier than F1 drivers.
That is one happy looking Miata!
That is one happy looking Miata!
The irony of living in"The Free State" of Maryland is having to stick one of these on the front of our cars, with the combined might of the MVA and police after you everywhere here it seems.
I don't get it. Are these things notoriously unreliable, or is it the general maintenance fears of owning a supercar that has most people worried about repairs? I figured given the engine source, it doesn't seem to be that bad of a concern.
I don't totally hate it. Especially (if) as an AWD TDI wagon possibility. I do miss VR6s though.
Down goes Miata(s)!
Reminds me of a really bad accident during some stree racing along a decades-old illegal street race strip of road in Maryland. The cops would normally hit the lights and chase everyone off from time to time, but after one particular incident wised up and got the county to do the simplest thing ever - speed bump the…
Right-hand side driving, but still impressive and hilarious!
I never knew about the Dodge Shelby CSX program, thanks for the history. That being said, CP!
I totally read "Canestoga" as "Canyonero"
I know I keep my WRX dirty