
I was a bit frustrated by that too. I thought Pike was saying “open the airlock” because he already had Owo locked on Airiam (they even said it earlier that they had the Away Team locked for beaming out) and they would be beaming her into the brig. It’s been done before.

Or for that matter...why not beam her out BEFORE all of that when they first discovered her secret? Also, I don’t buy the idea that she’s dead so the data in her head is no longer a threat. Hello, data is data. I can retrieve data from a dead computer by putting the hard drive into another computer. She is still a

Worry not. It’s not like death is really permanent in the Discovery universe. After all, she did do a full back up all herself, so all they have to do is recover her body, perform a bare-metal restore, and she’ll be good as new (minus the memories of trying to kill the security officer and getting blown out of the

I’m sorry but Airiam has been a tangential (if best) character. She’s had hardly any scenes and in the FIRST episode where they start to flesh out the character (tell us ANYTHING about her life), they fucking kill her. They just “red-shirted” a member of the bridge.

That’s not head-canon, that’s canon-canon. Both Peck and the showrunners and writers have indicated as much in several interviews.

Because people who bring up reasonable criticism of a show are whiners and peopleple who use straw man arguments that contain the words poopy pants against people whose opinions hey don’t like are reasonable commenters.

Which would make Burnham herself a bootstrap paradox. The Red Angel tells young Spock how to save young Burnham who grows up to become the Red Angel.

I guess they had to do it this way because otherwise we’d all just be like “please make the bad Nimoy impersonation stop”.

Airiam seemed to be alive for at least a few seconds floating out there in space, and yet no attempt to beam her back aboard Discovery to save her?? 

What bothers me most about Discovery is the way they arbitrarily reset people and features to generate their big dramatic impact of the moment.

Except that Starfleet and the Federation are meant to be about as Utopian as you can get. Even the racist dickhead Vulcan in “Take Me Out To The Holosuite” was only a Captain, and carefully disguised his racist viewpoints, and he was just a one-off character that the post-series books redeemed a bit.

Next week on Discovery: The Laughing Vulcan and his Dog.

One word.... Kurtzman.

I love this show. It’s ST:TNG with some bite and some real human-based humour. As much as I enjoyed ST:TNG, it was always antiseptic.

Soo... in an article about him playing “zonular” for 100 points, we get a picture of the board from a different round that doesn’t have said word?

Projection is a hell of a drug.

Except you would be wrong, you intentionally ignored the reason why fans are upset and dismiss their grievances. typical dismissive SJW attitude. 

The thing that gets me is these are the same people who call US too easily offended and triggered.

Why? Why should we treat people like criminals, including locking them in a cell for 11 hours with no bed and putting them in handcuffs, because they might commit a civil infraction (not even an actual crime)? This is like advocating jailing people because they might break a speed limit when they drive.