
Last year I lived in Southern California near this company called Energus. Apple was rumored to be working with them on true wireless charging back in 2016. Basically a base device that emits power several feet away through low frequency packets, very similar to bluetooth technology. I whole heartedly believe that

“they observed what looked like a filter that absorbed some positively charged oxygen atoms.”

Here’s an idea for a lot of the commenters:

Win+D is so much faster than going through Jump lists and submenus, though.

Stardock’s Fences app is actually kinda cool if there’s stuff you work with on an everyday basis.

What do you think a sequel is?

Is Khan beloved? I mean, sure, it was a great movie. But their last attempt to take advantage of that was Into Darkness...

Kurtzman is a talentless hack and this bodes very poorly for the future of Trek.


All Good Things was a fantastic ending to the series. It doesn’t need a sequel or reboot.

New ideas, please.

Bring Picard in for the Starfleet Academy series. Who better to shape young officers?

Five shows mentioned, four bullet points below.

Don’t worry they can’t. Whatever you consider the best already exist, anything else either enhances it, surpasses it, or you can ignore.

a five-year plan to bring more Trek

Oh my gods, please don’t ruin best trek with these hacks at the helm

I’m honestly surprised DISCO hasn’t turned into this.

You are a fucking idiot. This is seriously irrefutable at this point.

Every technical department?

Lol, of you don’t even like the first Iron Man I dunno what to tell you

You missed my point. It’s not the full CGI that doesn’t work. It’s full-cgi with a live-action face. The clash of the two emphasize the fakeness of the cgi and make the real face look like it is floating in ether.

The action scenes featured are maybe the best ever put to screen and that is on top of the fact that DC outshines Marvel in every technical department - from the use of celluloid to the cinematography, to the acting.