
It makes it easier for everyone else to know that you are a nation of barbarous cretins.

What about on android?

Yeah, what kind of asshole would write an article like this without saying something like “we’re also not saying that you should just go rip Miranda and Platt’s duet. It costs $1.29 on iTunes or Google Play and a portion of the proceeds go to charity—specifically, the March for our Lives initiative.”?

This was, for me, a huge problem in the Last Jedi. So the fittest order blows up 5 of the republic’s planets, loses their super weapon, then the republic just shrugs and says “whatever”.

“Winning” this argument would mean fewer brain dead gun nuts running around.

In general, its a good idea to actually look over links before you send them. That way, you can save yourself the embarrassment of looking like a complete moron.

Nah. He’s saying the parents deserve the pain they are feeling.

NoNo answers? The second amendment and the nra. That’s your answer.

Nah. They already sell bacon at the grocery.

Wouldn’t we try to make people less stupid, rather than trying to coddle their stupidity though?

When you need to teach safety classes fora danger you are causing, yeah, fuck you.

I’m not sure what relevance it has, doing some “good” - advocating against illegal laws - doesn’t negate actively and continually causing harm.

They’ve also done more to kill kids with guns than i have, too.

“I have 2 sons (13 and 16) and neither of them going back to the age of 6 would ever touch a gun just laying out, Not that I would ever leave one laying about. they were both raised with guns in our home and know the consequences of what can happen if guns are misused.”

“How about fuck the parents who left a gun lying around or maybe even fuck the parents for not teaching the kid to not play with guns. This has nothing to do with the NRA.”

Ok the one hand, we have people who noticed plot holes and problems witha film.

Wait do two really annoying characters, one of whom who also sucks at pick up lines, really make a movie worse than another movie who’s plot is an incoherent gibbering mess?

This right here is why TLJ has been so divisive.

Best. Game. Ever.

They’re still not as bad as the people who were so scared by Trump that they ignored every single scrap of data and evidence, acted like science denying republicans, and voted for the only person in the world so unlikable that they could lose to Donald fucking Trump instead of the most popular politician in the