
Plenty of us also worked hard, but we aren’t so selfish to believe that we built our entire world.

LOL. You didn’t work hard to get rich. Go do the work of a migrant farm worker for a week, then come back and tell me how hard you worked.

I’m not sure that would really matter. If any of the dozen employees are low level, there’s no difference.

I dont know that the government can do much about CEO pay.

We have the power to control the government, but are too distracted by TV to actually bother controlling it. We are too distracted by TV because our schools don’t teach us how to be rational and effectively think for ourselves. Our schools don’t effectively teach us how to be rational and effectively think for

Yeah, but you get an epidural because because of the hurty part. Not the long part. Cricket is long, but no one gets epidurals to watch a match.

That would be one option. A minimum wage closer to the (inflation adjust) levels we had in the 50s-70s might be another option.

Imagine a workplace where everybody reacts this way when they hear rumors, instead of shrugging them off.

Are you a man?

Mansplaining has become one of the defining phenomena of the 21st century

Unfortunately, one of the things you aren’t more educated about, is grammar and language, apparently.

No way. It’s going to be awesome when at the end of the season she turns around and is like “what the hell is a jar of pickles, anyway”.

Yeah, if there’s one thing I look for ina military uniform, it’s high fashion and accentuating the officer’s body.

“Seriously, the next time you feel the need to express an opinion, don’t.”

Sorry, the other post didn’t work and it won’t let me edit.

“So, what exactly would make The Orville such a valuable collectible in the future if it was destroyed before it could do anything notable?”

“So, what exactly would make The Orville such a valuable collectible in the future if it was destroyed before it could do anything notable?”

Countries that are rated Full Democracies by the Economist Intelligence Unit, most definitely.

The point being that if the outcome of your elections isn’t governance that mostly reflects the desires of the people being governed, then your democracy is worthless. IOW, that democracy isn’t a democracy.

Historically, democracies, like any other form of government have derives their legitimacy from the end of a gun. Guns are why the USA exists and guns are why the confederate states don’t. Fairness and ‘will of the people’ be damned. It is called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, after all. History really