
Ummm. That happens all the fucking time. There isn’t a news story about it because no one cares. Obviously.

Man, the world would be such a nicer place if idiots bothered to read and learn things before talking or just shut the fuck up, you know?

In a country where there seems to be a tech answer for most any problem, there hasn’t yet been one for this. (There are a few in development.)

Living in this century helps.... lol

What parent is not looking in the backseat when driving with a kid?

At concentrations of ethanol above 59 percent, guaiacol was mixed throughout the drink and away from the surface. which is about the content the authors found that ethanol interacts more strongly with guaiacol, which means the molecule is driven into the solution away from the surface. But at ethanol concentrations

Shit would definitely hit the fan if Trump went around ending carriers.

I love how he sees it land in the hole, then hesitates for a second.

I wish people would stop using that comic. It is just straight up wrong.

“Being on the left’s side” and “being on the Constitution’s side” are synonyms here.

Not really?

Well... What if me and everyone who agrees with me is going to a Nazi Flag burning rally. Or going to the toilet and we need something to wipe with. Ever think of that???1!?

I went back and re-read the original post and you are very clearly reading into it in a way that was obviously not the intent.

So, like, he holds meetings by himself?

Your analogy still centers you as the provider of the orgasm (or “painting” in your example—and kudos for conflating the idea of lovemaking with artistry; that is some capital S self-congratulation if you’re serious). For an awful lot of women, the orgasm isn’t about the penis (assuming heteronormative penetrative

So it is unreasonable for a painter to feel pride when someone loves their art? Okay there, bud.

You need to be paying better attention. I was having a conversation with someone else about a general concept, not this one case in particular. None of your rambling post has any actual bearing on my conversation.

No and No. So, with that information, what’s your answer?

Well. You are fucking stupid.

Scotsman doesn’t have a clear definition? Its definition is less clear than feminism?