
Are you saying that this guy is a big thinker? The pool might be the smarter of the two here.

Are you really so dumb that when you read “she shares some of the blame” you somehow comprehend “she is entirely at fault and the guy did nothing wrong”?

what if the person threatens to kill your child if you leave, and the police and courts won’t help you, and there are no shelters where you live or they are full?

Man, a relevant result for IPV is waaay down there on the google search.

She was abused in the past. You are saying that it always escalates. How is that not blaming her?

What’s wrong with loving chimps?

Great argument, except for the fact that Americans have the attention span of goldfish. I know they have the attention span of goldfish, because 8 years ago George Bush was president and I literally did not think it was possible for anyone dumber or worse than him to win. I was wrong about that in comical fashion

Over 95% of new wealth created over Obama’s presidency went to the top 1%. This represents only a small acceleration of a trend that’s existed since Reagan, maybe even Nixon.

Yeah imagine what would happen if the republican base were presented with an actual socialist democrat, instead of a centrist. Just imagine would the republican base would do then! They might vote republican!

No, no. That’s over on Jez.

If you’re old enough that you’re going to be dead in 4-8 years, then yeah, that’s country first.

Cause it sure as hell sounds like you’re holding a grudge.

Pussies don’t like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck a asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is they fuck too much or

Clearly. You’d have to have one for it to be up your ass.

It’s a fight for every inch. But it starts in the middle.

Yep, Sanders and his idiot supporters (you, I presume?) and their “purity tests” will continue to ruin this country.

No. You need to vote for who you think is best. It Country over Party. Not the other way round.

You seem very angry. It must happen a lot because you also seem very stupid.

The thing is, however, this is actually a very good strategy.

Yes and no. If someone is offering you nothing but a shit sandwich, maybe don’t eat. Be hungry for a while but cause enough of a riot that they decide to offer you something better.