Or, you’re an idiot that’ll get your passenger killed one day.
Or, you’re an idiot that’ll get your passenger killed one day.
Mix it in with regular pulled pork for a low cal version :D
Just don’t use Banana Boat.
What’s the logistics for sous vide’ing steaks at different donenesses?
The actual numbers reported by the devices are rather meaningless, thought. Sure, it’d be nice if they were right, but it is completely unnecessary.
So uptalk is the Californian equivalent of Canada’s “eh?”, eh?
The only thing you lose is depreciation, but you’re a stupid and a cuck if you don’t suffer those losses at all?
Found the fatty. How’s it going Fatty McFatface?
For this type of thing, intelligence is largely irrelevant. If you have enough faith to accept that the crazy cult leader is actually a holy man from God, you’ve bypassed the parts of your brain where your intelligence could have helped you.
The leader also diddles little children, so take it with a grain of salt, I guess?
Welp. Looks like someone didn’t read the article.
So? You asked why your doctor would have written a Plan B prescription even though it would very possibly not be effective for you.
Because you have a bad doctor and should find a new one?
Someone from NYC ignoring that the rest of the country exists? Do you enjoy being a walking stereotype?
Also, calls for overweight women to do clinical testing might not get the most applicants.
That’s great for everyone who lives close enough to a cheap Asian grocer.
Plan B is over the counter, no? No doctors prescribing anything.
People? No.
It is common knowledge that drugs are less effective if you are overweight. Everyone knows this. This is not news.
A backpacker is traveling through Ireland when it starts to rain. He decides to wait out the storm in a nearby pub. The only other person at the bar is an older man staring at his drink. After a few moments of silence the man turns to the backpacker and says in a thick Irish accent: