
On my android phone, I just set the alarm...

If it isn’t, well, can you really blame Microsoft for what your hardware manufacturer didn’t implement?

Good point. Microsoft should turn away all of the best people coming out of university. That will turn out great for them. I’m sure.

Almost no one has traditional PCs anymore. Its all laptops and ultraportables.

They sold 84 million Xbox 360s. I’m pretty sure they don’t care that kids don’t know Microsoft makes Xbox, in fact, they probably prefer it that way.

Sturgeon’s law: ninety percent of everything is crap.

When shitting on the finer points of someone else’s language skills, it behooves you to not make glaring, egregious, and obvious errors.

While stealthing may not be a new phenomenon, we should make no mistake about what to call it: sexual assault.

Some women in Kentucky have reported that doctors turned them away for wanting to get their tubes tied, or tubal ligation, if they were younger than 25 years old, unless they already had at least three kids. This is a response shared across several states, like Illinois and Colorado, where women are routinely denied

  • Is Donald Trump an american? Yes.

Its a sad world we live in where the commenters doing shit for free gives better information than the paid ‘professionals.’

Yeah. I’m pointing out how what you said is pretty frickin’ racist. And how what ChickenMcBooty said isn’t. You have two options:

Maybe it was meant to be a “There’s more important things to be worrying about than the color of my goddamned hair.”

Consider someone’s ideas or work ethic and not their accent or word choice.

Language cues and slang use are in no way related to a person’s intelligence, the same way someone with a heavy regional accent (midwestern, bostonian) isn’t inherent stupid or incapable of critical thought.

Only if you want to open up all the possibilities, like the person in the yearbook photo. If they’re happy as they are, they can speak however they like.

So you are saying that black people are incapable of speaking properly — that’s super racist. I assure you, that black people can speak in any language and with any accent they choose to learn.

By definition, it isn’t discrimination when talking about actions and choices.

sit in an open browser tab for literally forever

Good point. And like how at the same time the republicans just rolled over for Obama because he’s a man.