

I’m guilty of assault and battery. Good luck getting that laughed out of court.

What if you know the gun is empty? Is it still attempted murder? What if he knows that epileptics don’t die from seizures?

Disagreed. This definitely deserves jail time. They’ve shown he knew about the epilepsy and his intent was to cause a seizure.

Gifs are pretty clearly not any “instrument, substance, or device”.

It would take any a good halfway competent lawyer and he they would be a scumbag doing their job zealously defending their client and protecting society from the ever encroaching government overreach, but I think that is in the realm of possibility.

Wouldn’t you call a poison, say arsenic, a deadly weapon?

This is a web page, with words, for reading. Not a picture book. Now go run along now, child.

While you might be ranked 20th out of all the countries in the world, you’re the only developed nation to not crack the top 15. You get beaten by several 3rd world nations in your quality of life indexes.

How cold is the temperature at the wine store. Surely colder than tap water with some ice cubes. That’s why there is such a time difference.


Not to mention the whole:

No one is talking about NOT using carriers.

Its a dog. You’ve got like 50 pounds and 4 feet on it. What’s the problem?

Yeah, they were not in attack mode.

While a dog can be a good dog, any dog, or person for that matter, can be having a bad day.

If its a 140+ lbs dog, just walk away slowly. It is so fat it won’t keep up.

How about this example:

As long as it is a flat tax on NET WORTH rather than income.
